Is that the King?

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Y/N's Pov:

It was now night and me and Snow were sitting in a spare room that the dwarfs had lent us whilst we were staying here. She was drawing out a poster that had her father's face on, to help us try and find him. I was making little illusions with my magic to keep myself occupied while she was working.

I heard the sound of a pencil being put down and Snow making a noise of satisfaction. I walked over to have a look.

"It looks just like papa." She complimented herself.

"Yeah, it's really good." I said trying not to hurt her feelings. I could recognise him though so it wasn't that bad.

She placed the poster down and looked at herself in the mirror again. "Papa won't recognise me like this."

I suggested that she take them off for the time being. She agreed and tried to pull them off. They didn't though for some reason. She continued to struggle and I offered her some help. She declined and managed to get them off, turning back into her old self.

She lay down on the bed and let out a sigh as if she had been carrying something heavy. "This is me." She said with a smile on her face. I giggled at her and looked over at the shoes.

What is the purpose of these shoes? I picked one up and hovered my hand over them, using my magic to see the truth behind them, whether they were good or dangerous.

"Strange." I said.

"What's up?" She asked curiously.

"These shoes. They're full of magic but...I can't figure out their purpose. I don't know what magic they hold." I was about to carry on but there was a knock on the door.

I tossed the shoes to Snow and she caught them and quickly put them on as I walked to open the door. When she was ready she told me to open it. There was no one there. Wait, hold on.

Looking down, Jack was standing in front of me, wearing a face mask. "Would you two like to join me in a moisturising mask?" He asked.

"Oh thanks, but we're so tired." I lied hoping he'd believe me.

"Are you sure? It's very important to take care of your skin." He told me

I closed the door whilst answering, "Positive." Hoping he would leave. Instead, his voice could be heard on the other side. "But this is the finest French recipe meant to hydrate skin. It is made of French poppy!"

We sat back down in our spots after ignoring him. We weren't comfortable for long though as Snow stood back up, looking through the window. "Y/N come on." She said opening the window.

I gave her a weird look, "Why where are we going?" She was already out the window. "I think I just saw Papa, come on quickly."

"...are you sure it's him?" I asked her. Okay so maybe I was half lying, I was quite tired. "Yes, quickly before we lose him."

"Alright." I gave in and climbed out the window.


Merlin's pov:

I was trying to find a certain book on the bookshelf. "A spell that makes you fall in love." Yes I know, not a good way to get kissed. But how else is that going to happen?

You know it's funny, we were over at King B/N's kingdom just a few days ago, hoping to find Y/N, sadly he turned us away saying that she went off on her own about a year ago. Now she's here, in our house!

I found the book I was looking for and went to grab it. Hans walked in, turning me back into a dwarf, failing to get the book. "Merlin, have you seen my cookbook?" He asked me.

"Have you checked the kitchen?" I responded trying not to sound annoyed at him. "Ah silly me! The kitchen, of course!" He walked out turning into a human again.

"Now where was I?" I tried to grab the book again but failed again as someone else walked in. I heard Jack's voice as the book fell on my head. This was starting to annoy me.

"No! Whatever it is. I haven't seen it! Now please, go away!" I told him loudly. He walked out but not before commenting on my mood. "Someone's got anger management issues."

I looked at the mirror next to me and smiled at my now human face. "Getting a kiss was never a problem with this face." I saw something out of the corner of my eye and looked out the window.

I saw Red Shoes and Y/N running into the distance, Red was holding a lamp. "Y/N? Red Shoes?"

I can't let the others know what's going on, so I opened the window and got out, chasing after the girls.


Y/N's Pov:

We entered the woods, trying to follow the person Snow saw. She had a lamp and I had a small glowing orb floating at the palm of my hand.

"Papa! Papa, are you there?"
"King White? Sir, could you come out please?"

A flock of bats flew out of a bush, past us, scaring us. We carried on looking around and didn't even notice the big figure creeping up behind us. I moved my hand around, thinking I had heard something, but there was nothing.


I turned back to see a giant wooden bunny staring down at us.

"Oh my god."

The Good Witch (Merlin x reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin