Battle at the castle

693 20 2

Told you I was finishing this

Third pov:

Merlin and Arthur tried to reach for the girls but it was too late as Regina had whisked off with them. "Come on let's go!" Merlin ordered and he and Arthur both jumped on Long Ears.

The three bears ran up to them, "Wait for us!" They said in unison. The two looked down at them and replied, "How about you go back and get the others? Make lots of copies of these." Merlin handed one of his talismans to the taller bear.

"And tell them to get my special weapon, they'll know what I'm talking about." Arthur told them. "Let's go!"

Long Ears began to hop away with the wizard and the fighter on its back. "We can do it!" The tall bear said to their companions. The other two shouted back "Yeah!" And the three ran back to Risky Rock.


Back in Regina's lair, the evil Queen arrived back with the princesses. "Your power, my lady, it has drained you." The mirror said as he watched her catching her breath on her knees. "You think?" She replied annoyed. "I don't need you to tell me how I look."

"I'm a mirror! It's what I do. M-I-R-O-R. I can't spell..." he reminded her. Regina got back up on her feet, "Enough. Bind them."

"Are you sure if she bites it the shoes will become more powerful?" The Mirror asked in an uncertain voice. "Yes! But it won't be easy. She's smart, there's no way she'll have it. We need a way for her to eat it." Regina said.


Y/N's pov:

My eyes started to open. My vision was blurry, 'Where am I? Where's Snow and Merlin and Arthur? ...Regina!' I heard the demon's voice speak up "Look Sleeping Beauty is finally awake!"

Once my vision was normal I looked around and saw we were in the tower where Snow got the shoes from days ago. Snow tied to the tree. I glared at her, my magic began to come out of the vines that were binding my hands together in a mist form. It suddenly disappeared. "Oh, that's cute honey, but for now, your magic isn't available." (It was Regina all along. IM SORRY I'LL STOP NOW)

She went towards Snow and pulled out another apple. It looked exactly like the one from before. "Eat this darling, and you'll get your freedom." She told her. "*cough cough* bullshit *cough cough*" My magic wasn't working but I could still feel the evil inside that fruit.

"Where's my father?" Snow demanded. "Ugh. Royal loyal little girl. Fighting for her papa? This is getting a little boring so I need a bite taken from this apple and I'll tell you." Regina explained. I tried to loosen the vines but they just ended up tightening themselves.

"I won't let you win! You've torn apart my family and you will not get away with it Regina!" Snow carried on. Regina did a fake scream, it sounded more like a croak if I'm being honest. "I'm so scared Snow. Very well, let's try a different approach."

The giant doors opened and two branches floated in, both of them holding something. I looked closely and saw Merlin and Arthur tied up in them.


"NO!" Their voices were muffled due to the vines. "Eat the apple or watch them die."

Hold on. She said that she'll release King White if the apple is bitten. What good is that if his daughter is gone? I mean what do I have to lose? (B/N)'s got the kingdom and his wife, Snow has her dad and Arthur. Merlin probably hates me after our little spat in the forest.

"Wait!" I shouted. Everyone turned to me. "Yes, dear?" Regina smirked. "You said, that if the apple was bitten, you'll tell her where King White is?" I recalled her words from a minute ago. "Yes, that is the plan."

The Good Witch (Merlin x reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें