Chapter 20

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Xander is gone before I can even speak to him. During the ride back home, I was having a headache so I just kept quiet thinking that I'll have a conversation at home.

My phone starts ringing again and seeing Father's number, I already know what's about to go down. I answer it.

"My place right now!"

He cuts it after uttering this four words and I sigh with defeat. It's already nine and I could not convinced Xander to give Ethan's licence back.

Reaching at Father's place, I sit in the car for a while before proceeding inside. I don't have any good answer to his questions and he will be so furious.

Gathering all the remaining strength that I have left, I walk inside and find him already sitting in the living room. His gaze snaps to my face instantly.

"You better have the answer that I want", he says and sips on his whisky.

I remain quiet, too afraid to even breath.

"Speak Ayla!", his voice booms in the living room causing me to flinch.

My lower lip tremble with fear and I hate myself for it. All these years and I am still scared shitless of him.

He gets up and starts approaching me. With every sound of his steps, my hearbeat quickens and my hands start to tremble. I curl them into two tight fists at my side.

"Tell me you convinced Xander", his voice becomes deceptively soft. "I know you were able to do it, didn't you? Tell me that my son's career won't be ruin."

Not a single word leave my mouth.

"Tell me!"

I flinch at his loud tone again and look down.

"What did you do to Xander that he got Ethan's licence revoked? Are you not fulfilling your marital duties with him?"

Anger flares inside of me at his words and I raise my gaze to look at him. He takes another steps closer and towers over me.

"Does he finally knows that you were a drug addict?!", he demands vehemently.

"Speak godammit!", he growls and curls his fist into my hair.

I gasp with pain and shake my head.

"Then what the fuck did you do to make him angry?!", he backhanded me this time.

"You good for nothing", father slaps me hard again across my face. "Why did Xander cancelled Ethan's licence? I told you by this evening you should have got it back!"

"Sorry", I whisper, trying to hold back tears.

Another slap.

"Your sorry won't make everything alright?! Do you hear me?!"

My cheeks sting from the slaps. Father is furious and seems like I am going to face his wrath. It's all my fault though. I deserve it.

"How dare you mess with my son's life and career?! Do you want to ruin his life as well? You are just a waste of space! I have called Xander here. He must be arriving here any minute now. I can't wait until he shows you your place. You deserve to be treated like thrash."

I lift my heavy eyes full of tear to glare at him.

"Xander won't hit me", I claim firmly in a low voice.

Apparently, Father does not like my tone and the way I'm looking at him because he punches me on my left eye. I fall on the floor and gasps with pain.

"Do not talk or look at me like that! I will kill you!", he snaps. "Get the fuck up!"

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