Chapter 44

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The next day at the office, I am with Colton when I see Sarah and a man walking inside the elevator. That must be her fiancé. What the hell are they doing here?

"Who are they?", Colton asks.

"That's Xander's ex", I reply casually.

"What?", he gasps. "Wait, how do you know that? I didn't even see her face properly"

I tell him about yesterday night and his brows scrunch with confusion. "What do you mean she kept looking at Xander? She has a man"

"It looks like she still loves him", I add thoughtfully. "I could see it you know. The longing in her eyes."

"Too bad", Colton rolls his eyes. "Bitch cheated. Xander looks way better with you. Also, he looks different now and always checking up on you. What has changed? Come on, spill"

"We became friends", I confess. "His company is bearable now. I love it a lot"

"Like you love him?", he teases me and wiggles his eyebrows.

"No silly. I do not love him", I laugh. "I am actually planning to get him back with Sarah. She clearly looks in love and Xander was happy with her"

"Are you out of your fucking mind?", he frowns again. "You just said you love his company so why are you trying to do this stupid matchmaking shit?"

"I want freedom Colton", I sigh. "I want it so bad. I just want to be in a place where I can be totally free. At times, I am too stress here and it makes me feel too anxious. And besides, I want Xander to find love and be happy. We can't live together like this for the rest of our lives. And I want a baby too"

"Xander can definitely make that happen", he points out. "Your babies will be so gorgeous mixed with his genes"

I think about it for a while. Xander can make it happen but I can't bear the fact that I have to be naked for it. The marks on my body are too hideous and I don't think I will ever be ready for intimacy. I am scared of it. So, my only option is IVF once we get a divorce.

"If I have Xander's babies, he will never let me go plus I don't even know if he wants a kid. I can't just impose my desire to have a baby on him"

"Well, do you like him? Cause the way he behaves with you, shows that he is obsessed with you", he utters as he sips on his coffee.

"I don't want him obsessed with me Colton", I mumble. "It's scary"

"Hey", he holds my hand suddenly. "Are you okay?"

I nod.

"Bad experience with an ex maybe?"

"Kind of", I mumble. "I don't want anyone obssessing over me. I just want love. And this is something Xander can never give me. So, it's best that I leave and just focus on myself"

"Oh honey", he lifts my hand and kisses the back of it. "If that's what will make you happy then I will help you"


Xander's voice makes me jump slightly and I pull my hand back. What is he doing here? Did he listened to everything that I just said? Oh my God!

"Why are you not in the meeting?", he questions and slants a glare at Colton.

"I was hungry", I lie quickly and get up. "So, I came at the cafeteria for a quick bite"

"Are you done?"

I nod. "Yes"

"Let's go then", he reaches out his hand for me to take.

Colton gives me a teasing smile. Ignoring him, I place my palm in Xander's hand and we walk away. I have been ignoring him since the morning.

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