Chapter 39

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"Xander, I have to meet Emily at the boutique for a really important work", I lie. "I'll just take a cab from here."

"I'll drop you", he offers easily. "Get in the car now"

I want to refuse so badly but end up listening to him incase he thinks that something is wrong. During the ride, I feel jittery. Why does Father wants to meet me suddenly?

He wants to meet me at the nearby park near his office. I check the time. There won't be many people around at the moment.

"Why are you nervous?", Xander questions suddenly.

"I am not", I lie again then realize that I am shaking my knee slightly out of habit whenever I am nervous.

"It's nothing", I add in a convincing tone. "Actually, Emily and I got an offer for our shop. And I really want it to work out"

His gaze softens as he places his hand on my knee to reassure me. "Everything will be fine. Do you want me to come with you?"

"No", I refuse instantly a bit too sharply then try to tone it down. "You have a few important meetings to attend. Don't waste your time for me"

"Call me if you need anything", he says firmly.

The weight of his hand on my knee calms me immensely. I almost wrap my own hand over his but stop myself. I still never touch him. I just reciprocate it whenever he feels comfortable to touch me.

Xander drops me at the shop and once he leaves, I stop a taxi and head towards Father's office. When I reach at the park, he is already standing there with a grim look on his face.

"Took you long enough to get here!", he snaps upon noticing me.

"Sorry", I mumble.

"I need money", he claims boldly.

"How much?"

"Maximum 2 millions"

Well, shit!

"I don't have that type of money", I utter. "Why don't you ask Ethan?"

"Do you want to make me feel embarrass infront of my son?!", he growls.

"Of course not", I say gently. "But there's nothing wrong in asking him. He is your son and he will help you"

"Did I ask for your fucking advice Ayla?", this time his tone gets dangerously calm. I can feel he is about to strike at any moment so I remain quiet.

"I asked you a question. Answer me!"

"No, you didn't"

Out of nowhere, he slaps me on my mouth. He always used to do this when I took too long to answer him when I was little.

"Now go and get the money from that bastard husband of yours", he adds.

"I can't", I finally snap, angry that he has insulted Xander. "Don't call him that"

"Why not?", he inches closer and towers over me with a murderous gaze. "I am in this huge debts because of him. I am loosing my fucking company to him and you need to do something about it. You know damn well how hard I kept working after the death of Clara, your mother. The person you fucking took away from me! So go and get that fucking money Ayla"

Tears fill in my eyes at the mention of my mother. He always guilt trips me and gets what he wants. I remain silent and Father does not like it again.

He grips my jaw in a deathly hold and that's when I taste blood in my mouth. His slap from earlier has punctured the inside of my lower lip.

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