Chapter 38

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Being with Xander is easier now. He no longer makes my life a living hell. We eat together and even train in the gym. As my friend now, he always make sure that I am fine and maybe even happy. Last time, he kept his words and bought me two more cars for real.

I got a black Mustang GT500 and a BMW m8. I am having a blast driving my brand new cars. Xander is my passenger princess and he complains a lot about it. But I don't care. My cars, my rules.

I have also gained some weight. Xander is always making sure that I am eating good. Honestly, I am actually loving the weight gain. I feel more strong and beautiful. I often tell him I can easily kick his ass but he disregards me.

I am yet to meet Grace, his girlfriend. It's already been weeks since he asked me if I wanted to meet her. I have been pestering him about it. Everytime I talk about Kai, his demeanor changes. It almost seems like he actually hates him a lot.

We are currently out for lunch with Emma and Peter. She has been insisting to meet us for lunch as Xander could not refuse her. He really loves her to death. He is always there like her guardian angel. Emma is really lucky to have him as his brother.

Ethan has still not made any attempt to talk to me. It's been weeks already. Emily does not know that we had a small fight and I am letting her believe that everything is alright. I don't want her to be upset with Ethan because of me. She is the happiest with him and he treats her with care.

A hand on my thigh breaks my thoughts and I feel Xander leaning closer. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing", I mumble, feeling a jolt of electricity at his touch.

One more thing I have noticed about Xander is that he always touches me at every chance he gets which always amazes me because previously he claimed that he didn't like it. I still don't approach him in case I make him uncomfortable but he is always doing the opposite.

"Xander", Emma calls his brother. "I was thinking we all could go camping together. It's been a while since we have stayed at the cabins. What do you think?"

They have cabins? In the forest? This sounds exciting.

"I am really busy with work right now Emma", Xander tells her.

Well, here goes nothing.

"Oh come on", she whines. "It does not have to be now. Maybe in a few weeks. Ayla can bring Kai, Emily and Ethan as well"

Emma really likes these three people. Especially Kai. She is always ready to invite him anywhere. At times, I get a feeling that she likes him. She often sneaks glances at him. But then again, I may be wrong because Peter is her boyfriend.

"We'll see", Xander replies.

"I think it's a perfect idea", Peter butts in. "Emma wanted to do something fun for a long time. Camping sounds great. What do you think Ayla?"

"Yeah", I look around and find all of them staring at me. "It does sounds great"

"See, now you cannot refuse", Emma smiles at his brother.

"It will be fun", Peter adds and smiles at me.

"Do you really want to go?", Xander suddenly demands hushly while leaning closer to my ear.

"Sure", I mumble. "Emma really wants to go."

"I am asking about you Ayla", he places his hand on my thigh again. My skin tingles from his touch.

"I really want to go too", I blurt, fascinated by his soft gaze.

"We'll go then", he claims making me smile at him. I almost blush as well.

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