V - I Did That..

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Meiza had a soft spot for his servants and was quite loving towards them. That's why he was so disappointed when they disappointed him in return. When they disobeyed him, he thought nothing before punishing them.

The thought of being kind towards his servants made him feel soft, but the mere thought of their rebellion was enough to make his blood burn.

He felt guilty obviously afterwards, however, and would always tend to their wounds. He wished he wasn't harsh on them, but he couldn't help it. They deserved every lash they got.

It took Meiza a moment to gather his thoughts. His heart was heavy with his guilt toward [Y/N]. He had meant it when he said that he would make it up to her.

"I don't want to hurt you, but I can't allow you to disobey me. Do you understand?"

He held your waist, his voice low and gentle. It was as if two different people spoke when he was harsh or soft with you. There was no trace of hostility in this tone.

"I hope you'll be able to forgive me for what I did..."

A light smile crossed his face as he gently lifted [Y/N] with his strong arms, carrying her body to his bedroom. He laid her down in his bed, careful not to hurt her injured back.

"Let me look at it."

His voice was soft as he spoke. He pulled up the sleeve of her dress to examine the damage he had caused.

"It's not my sleeve... It's my back," the maidservant said in a slightly judgemental tone.

He looked at her with a sudden frown, realising that his servant girl didn't know the definition of the word sarcasm.

"I know... I meant, let me see your back."

There was a certain hesitance to his words as if he was scared of disturbing her injured flesh.

The young maidservant hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to really do. She had never been in this situation before, and she didn't know how to react. Finally, she turned around and showed him her back by unbuttoning the buttons of her dress, slowly revealing her bare back.

She couldn't help but feel embarrassed, exposed like this, showing him the marks Meiza had inflicted upon her. She had let her guard down and had allowed herself to be vulnerable. She had let her emotions get the better of her and had allowed herself to be inadequate.

She loathed herself, for it detested herself for being powerless. She despised herself for letting him into her mind, for letting him control her.

She hated herself for wanting him to care, for wanting him to see her as something more than just a servant. She hated herself for wanting him to love her, for wanting him to protect her.

She hated herself for being weak, for being human.

But at the same time, she ached for his touch. She yearned for his comfort, for his protection. She needed him, and she hated herself for it.

She was caught between her hate and her desire, between her anger and her longing. She was a prisoner of her own emotions, trapped in a spiral of self-loathing and need.

And as he looked at her with that hint of uncertainty, she saw a glimmer of hope. Maybe he cared. Perhaps he felt responsible for what he had done to her. Maybe he felt sorry.

Or maybe, just maybe, he was playing with her, dangling a carrot in front of her face to watch her jump. Perhaps he was playing with her emotions, getting off on his power over her.

But she didn't care. She didn't care what his motives were. She just wanted him to touch her. She just wanted to feel his hands on her, his arms around her. She just wanted him to protect her, to make her feel safe.

Meiza, on the other hand, glanced at her back with mixed emotions, a sense of remorse and guilt intermingled with curiosity and fascination. He knew that he had done something terrible, something horrendous, but he couldn't help but be drawn to the injury that he had inflicted.

He reached out and gently touched the marks on her back. The pads of his fingertips grazed the burnt skin that he himself was responsible for inflicting.

He could feel the heat radiating from her back, and he couldn't help but be enthralled by the power he held in his fingers.

Her back was covered in welts, each lash burning like fire. He could see the pain in her eyes, and his own heart tugged at him. He had gone too far. He knew it. He had lost control and gotten carried away with his power and authority.

He knew that he had done something terrible, something unforgivable. He was responsible for being a kind and gentle master who treated his servants with respect and dignity. But he also knew that he had failed in that responsibility, that he had let his power and authority go to his head.

He had to make things right. He had to find a way to repair the damage he had done. But he also knew that he had no right to touch her, that he had no right to cause her any more pain.

He backed away slowly, his eyes still on her back, his heart heavy with regret. He had gone too far, and he knew it.

He stood at a distance, still lost in his thoughts. His gaze was fixed on his maidservant's back, and his eyes burned with a silent agony.

There was a strange feeling in his chest, a mixture of emotions that he couldn't quite place or process. His thoughts were flooding, his mind filled with worries and concerns.

He couldn't let his maidservant suffer like this. She had to be at his side. She was his everything and he had to treat her as such.

He slowly found himself walking toward her again, his eyes still fixed on her bare bruised back, watching the crimson liquid slowly drip down her skin.

He reached out and brushed the hair out of [Y/N's] face, looking into her eyes with a mix of remorse and determination.

"[Y/N], I'm sorry," he says, his voice soft and tender. "I didn't mean to hurt you like that. I don't know what got into me, I just...I lost control. I let my power and authority go to my head, and I did something unforgivable. I'm sorry, my dove. I'm so sorry."

He leaned in and gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek, feeling the warmth of her skin against his lips. He knew that he could never make up for the pain he had caused, but he had to try, he had to show [Y/N] that she was more than just a maidservant, more than just a menial for him to use and abuse.

He wanted to be a better master, a better person for [Y/N] a kind and gentle master, and a kind and gentle person.

But [Y/N] really didn't help her case, I mean the reason she was solely lashed was because of her little escapade.

"Shh, it's okay." *He whispered in a soothing tone as he brushed her hair back.

Meiza laid down next to [Y/N]. He pulled her close to him and buried his face against her shoulder, trying his best to ignore his selfish desires. He held her tightly in his arms, wrapping himself around her, almost as if she was the source of his comfort.

He let out a heavy sigh and mumbled softly to himself.

"You deserve so much better."

His heart grew heavy as he looked at her. The sight of her looking back at him caused that strange feeling to swell up inside his chest, making him feel even more torn and unsure of himself.

He stayed next to her for a while longer, trying to figure out what he was really feeling.

Finally, as he couldn't take it anymore, Meiza climbed off the bed and walked away, trying to suppress his feelings once again.

"Rest now" was all he said, as he walked out.

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