VII - Apologies

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The alcohol washed over him, a welcome respite from the pain and guilt that had been consuming him. He felt the weight of his sins lift from his shoulders, at least for a while.

He stumbled out of the bathroom, and the nobleman felt a new sense of hunger and desire. He longed for a woman's touch, his desires inflamed by the alcohol coursing through his veins.

If [Y/N] was out of limits, well, what was stopping him from having his way with his concubines?

His mind filled with the possibilities of his concubines.

He had never been one for sleeping with his concubines, but for appearance's sake, he kept them.

But tonight was different. Tonight, he was a noble, a man with power and authority, and he needed an outlet, needed to let loose, to forget the guilt and regret that threatened to overwhelm him.

The nobleman's thoughts were consumed with the concubines he had left behind in his many chambers. The wine had lowered his inhibitions, leaving him feeling impulsive and uninhibited. He found himself walking down the hallways, unsteady on his feet, as the alcohol took hold of him. The walls around him seemed to sway, and he had to lean against them to avoid falling over.

The mansion would be alive with activity tonight, basking in the sounds of celebration and debauchery through the halls.

He was met with a chorus of laughter and clinking glasses as he made his way towards the concubines' chambers. He didn't care about the morality of his actions. The alcohol already fogged his mind.

As he entered the concubine's chambers, he was met with the smell of incense and perfume filling the air. He let himself be swept away by the music and the revelry, drinking and dancing with the concubines, losing himself in the moment.

He was also very much greeted with a sea of eager faces. Some of them looked at him with surprise and concern. They could tell from his unsteady gait and slurred speech that he was heavily intoxicated, and they were unsure what to do next.

However, those who were eager were all waiting for his attention. He could feel the power coursing through his veins, the knowledge that he had a choice, that he could pick and choose as he pleased.

He spent the night in a haze. His body moved from one concubine to the next, his mind filled with the thrill of his actions. He had let go of his control, had let go of his power, had let go of his guilt and shame, and for that moment, he was free.

He had been so consumed with thoughts of his maidservant, with the guilt that had been weighing on him, that he hadn't had time to enjoy himself.

He needed to let go, to relax, to have some fun. He needs to forget about his problems, if only for a moment.

But as the night wore on, the reality of his actions began to sink in. He had been reckless, had let his emotions control him, and had let the alcohol cloud his judgment. He had let his needs and desires precede his responsibilities as a master and a noble.

He didn't remember what he was doing, but behind the scenes, Meiza had walked towards those concubines who felt fear. His steps had grown more erratic with each passing moment. The anxious concubines had tried to back away, but he followed them, his gaze locked on them. They could see the desire in his eyes, and they knew in their hearts that they were in danger.

The nobleman finally reached one of the concubines, his hands grabbing her roughly as he tried to pull her closer. She struggled, her hands pushing back against him, but he was too strong. He pulled her closer, his breath reeking of wine.

A moment later, the nobleman was lost in pleasure, his inhibitions entirely erased by the alcohol. The concubines looked on, their eyes wide with fear as he took what he wanted, knowing they were completely at his mercy.

After several hours of revelry, Meiza finally returned to his chambers that did not contain [Y/N]. He was exhausted but content. He collapsed onto his bed, surrounded by his concubines, feeling a sense of satisfaction and relief wash over him.

His mind was finally empty, his worries forgotten as he drifted into a dreamless sleep. For the moment, Meiza was at peace, for his thoughts were simply a blur of confusion and desire.

However, Meiza did not sleep well as quickly as he drifted off.

His mind was plagued with nightmares of [Y/N] running away repeatedly. In the nightmare, the maidservant had run out the door, her feet still working despite him having cut them off. His dream self chased after her, his legs moving faster and faster until...

His eyes had flickered open; sweat had ran down his brow and dripped off his chin. For a moment, he looked around before realising his concubines had left him, and he was left alone in his private chambers.

The nightmare lingered in his mind, which in turn made his breathing go rapid.

He looked at the time and realised it was 4:23 a.m.

He could almost feel the presence of the servant girl's spirit following him, silently tormenting him, mocking him for his binging, purging his drinking and reckless whoring.

Was everything all in his head? His lips curled in frustration.

He grabbed a goblet, poured himself a reasonable amount of water and sipped deeply, his mind clouded and heavy. He stared blankly outside the window, sighing to himself, his thoughts wandering to the servant girl.

He wondered if everything that happened was just a terrible, drunken nightmare or if he genuinely did lose control.

He remembered the look of fear in the girl's eyes, the way she cringed at his every word. The way she sobbed as the whip lashed against her skin.

He remembered her running away, leaving him feeling empty and alone.

And Angry.

He finished his water and placed the goblet down. He needed to talk to [Y/N], to apologise to her, to make things right.

Despite this doofus over zealously apologising.

He can't let things stay like this between them.

He can't let the guilt weigh down on him anymore.

He headed towards his chambers, where he had left her to rest. The water and wine sloshing around in his stomach. He stopped before the door, knocking lightly at first, then harder.

He waited a moment, but there was no answer.

His heart sank, and Meiza felt a wave of frustration wash over him. Did she run away again? Had she left him for good?

Did she run away again??

His thoughts raced, his mind filled with a million questions. He couldn't shake the feeling that he'd lost something and let something important slip through his fingers.

He knocked again, harder this time, feeling the frustration build within him. "[Y/N!]" he called out, his voice lifted in anger.

But still, there was no answer, and Meiza, a poor, pathetic fool, was left standing there, alone with his thoughts, the guilt weighing on him like a heavy burden.

He was a noble, a man with power and authority, but he was also just a man, a man who was flawed and hurt the woman whom he loved the most.

Pathetic little Fool -  Yandere Noble x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now