XII - I'm Sorry For The Pain I Caused...

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"You've captured my heart," Meiza whispered, his voice soft and tender. His gaze was fixed on yours, and you could feel the weight of his words like a blanket of heat wrapping around you.

You've heard those words before, but somehow, coming from his lips, they hold an extraordinary power that catches your breath in your throat.

And then he reached out and cupped her chin in his hand.

It was a small gesture, but the feeling of his touch sent a jolt of electricity through her body, and the sensation was almost too intense to bear.

You swallowed hard and tried to keep your breathing steady as he spoke in his low, raspy voice.

"There's no explanation at all," he admits, and the honesty in his words sends a thrill through your heart. "I shouldn't have felt anything for you, and yet..."

He trailed off, his voice silencing, and you wonder what this man is thinking.

And then a tiny smile curled his lips.

"I wish I could explain it. My emotions towards you have no basis in logic, and yet I am still affected by them."

A fluttering sensation spread through her chest, and you could barely contain your delight at his words. You've never been the type to believe in love at first sight or in soul mates or any of that nonsense.

You've always been too practical, too level-headed to believe in such things.

But now that you're here, with Meiza beside you, you're starting to wonder if maybe, just maybe, there's something to those old-fashioned notions after all.

And then he added, in that soft, earnest voice of his, "Perhaps there's no need for anything else."

It was a simple statement, but it had a wealth of meaning.

But before you can say anything, he shifted closer to you, and your chest tightened as you felt his body's warmth against yours.

You could smell the scent of his perfume, which contained a blend of flowers, leaves and woods—A subtle, masculine scent that filled your nostrils, and it was like nothing you had ever respired in before.

"You're very pretty," he purred, his voice soft and filled with a warmth you haven't heard before. It was a rare moment of softness from him, one that the maidservant couldn't help but be captivated by.

But then, you recalled. His words from earlier came rushing back to you, the sting of humiliation freshly cultivated in your mind.

"You just said I'm not very beautiful," she said suddenly, the words slipping out before she could even stop them.


She hated it when he uttered things he didn't mean, and she couldn't help but call him out.

But it was more of a statement than a question, filled with a hint of playful accusation.

Meiza's eyes meet hers, and there's a heat in the depths of his gaze that takes her breath away. He gazes at her momentarily as if he's taking in every detail of her face, of her being.

And then he speaks as if he's whispering directly into her ear. "I lied," he murmured, and there was a hint of guilt in his voice. "I lied when I said that you're not beautiful."

His eyes roam over her face, studying every inch of her features, taking in every curve and angle.

There's a sense of reverence in his expression as if she's something precious that he's beholding for the first time.

Pathetic little Fool -  Yandere Noble x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now