VIII - Vanity

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After a few moments, the door swings open, and Meiza felt a sense of relief wash over him. He quickly takes a sip from his 'goblet', using the water as a crutch to steady his nerves. Only to realise the dingus left it behind, his hand weirdly grasping nothing.

So much for being a noble, huh?

"Uhm, Good night?" he said awkwardly, his voice still groggy from his late-night revelry. "I was hoping we could talk for a moment."

The servant's eyes slowly flicker open, her vision still blurred with sleep and fatigue. She looked up to see Meiza standing before her, with his hand grasping nothing, but she didn't comment on it,

[Y/N's] head was pounding, her back was sore, and her legs stung slightly from her punishment. Her body was aching, but in her liege's presence, she managed to snap out of her tired trance.

"My liege," she murmurs hesitantly, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "What brings you here? Is there something you need?"

She watches Meiza step forward, raising the 'goblet' in his hand. He offers it to her, a small smile playing across his lips. But she's confused and makes a small indication with his eyes before Meiza realises, averts her gaze, and retracts his arm away, chuckling awkwardly.

"I just wanted to apologise," he said, his voice low and contrite. "To make things right. To show you that I'm not the monster you might think I am."

The servant looked up at Meiza in shock. She can't believe it. He's actually apologising to her.

An apology.

An apology to her!

She's not sure what to say, but her instinct is to hold her tongue, to keep her calm. Instead, she forces a soft smile, knowing that she needs to hold her tongue in front of her liege. [Y/N] knew that one wrong word could mean her death, but she also knew that she needed to be brave to be strong.

"Oh, my Liege," she says softly as Meiza enters himself into his chamber. "There's no need to apologise. If anything... It was my fault. I shouldn't have run away."

Meiza shakes his head, his eyes fixed on her. "No, it wasn't your fault. I let my anger get the better of me, and I acted like a brute."

The servant looks down at her toes, feeling a sense of shame wash over her. She knows that she should have known better, that she should have known not to speak out of turn. She should have known not to run away.

And come on, you never really gave a reason why you escaped his grasp in the first place.

"I understand," she says softly. "And I forgive you, my liege."

Meiza looks at her in surprise, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. "You do? You really do?"

The servant nods her head, her eyes meeting his. "Yes, my liege. I forgive you."

For a moment, there's an awkward silence between them. And Meiza clears his throat.

"I just... I know I keep saying it, but I wanted to apologise," he continues, his voice sounding more earnest than he intended. "I was out of line last night, and I understand if you were upset." He takes your hand and leads you to his vanity table, where a large, mirrored cabinet stands. You notice that his vanity is covered in various bottles of perfumes and potions, brushes and combs. It's clear from the mess that Meiza doesn't spend much time here.

"Sit," he instructed her gently, gesturing to a stool, and as you did so, you grew pretty unsure of what to make of his actions.

Meiza fiddles around with the bottles and potions and places a small bottle of perfume in front of you.

"I wasn't in my right mind," he admits, his voice low and contrite. "And I should never have taken my frustrations out on you."

He reaches out and gently strokes your hand, his touch surprisingly soft. Meiza stood before her, his hand hovering over her head in curiosity. He observed her smooth, delicate face, tracing over her fine, intricate features with the pad of his pointer finger.

It's quite evident that Meiza is an affectionate man with a tendency to invade people's personal space.

You could feel your defences starting to lower, your heart pounding in your chest.

"What a pretty, pretty face. Too bad it's stained by your poor choices." He murmured to himself and lifted her chin, forcing her to meet his eyes. He brushed her rosy, flushed cheeks with his thumb. Her skin was incredibly soft, almost velvety to the touch.

"Why did you escape?" he asks suddenly, his eyes meeting yours. "That was very foolish of you."

The noble spoke again, his voice a mere whisper now, filling her with dread. "Did you leave to find some bastard to take you away from me? You know I won't just let you go."

—He believed you were a whore...

You stare at him, your eyes wide with horror. You want to deny it, to say that you would never do such a thing, that you would never leave him, that you love him. But the words get stuck in your throat, and instead, you stand there, trembling with fear and uncertainty.

The noble takes a step back, taking you in with his eyes. You can see the anger and possessiveness in his gaze, as though you were his property, his thing to keep and control.

"Answer me," he says sharply, the anger returning to his voice. "Answer me now, or I swear to god I will make you pay," he hisses.

You want to speak, to say something, anything to diffuse the tension and the fear that is building in the room. But you can't find the words, and before you know it, the noble is grabbing you roughly, pulling you closer to him.

His hands are like iron bands around your wrists, and you can feel the pain start to erupt across your skin. His breath is hot and heavy on your face, and the smell of wine and anger and possessiveness wash over you like a wave.

"Answer me," he growls, his voice low and dangerous. "Answer me, or I swear I will make you suffer."

Her fingers twitched at her side, her heart racing as she tried to control her breathing. She was so angry, so hurt by his words that she could barely see straight. She needed to get away, to escape his presence before she did or said something she would regret.

"How dare you!" she hissed. Her fists were clenched. "How can you speak to me like that, to imply such assumptions?!"

The noble's eyes widened in surprise at her outburst, but he didn't back down. "You know what you are, a pathetic little whore, not fit for anything except for breeding." he spat, his voice dripping with content

Is this the same man who apologised to you?!

"I'm not wrong, am I?" said the noble. "You're the kind that runs into any man's arms at first chance." He raised his voice, his eyebrows furrowing. "Just to throw it back to those scum after a few days."

"Do you know what they say of you?" said Meiza. "A whore. That will never settle down." He spat the words at you.

"A common whore."

Pathetic little Fool -  Yandere Noble x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now