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Embry pov

I can't help but watch Mortica, she seems different like something is wrong.
I eat my food as she talks and joke with my pack.
I'm glad they get along with her.

"Hey embry." She smiles at me and starts talking and I can't help but smile and nod.
Her beauty is like no other.
I don't care that she's a vampire it never bothered me.

As she talks I can't help but notice the frown that replaced the smile on her lovely face.
I frown my own self.
"Are you alright?." I ask her grabbing on to her hand.
She nods.
"Yes I'm fine." She said
I shake my head and huff.
"You said that last time at the pack party." I grab both of her hands and grip them in my own.
"If something is wrong Mortica you need to tell me."

"Nothing is wrong, like you said everything will be fine." She leans in and kiss me softly before pulling away and I bring her into my warm embrace.
Her cold skin feels nice against my warm skin but I can't help but realize that even her ice cold skin is a little off.
She's not as cold as before.
What's happening to her?.

Mortica pov

After hanging with embry and the pack I went back home and see Emmett, Jasper and Carlisle watching the news.
I frown deeply at all the lost that is happening.

Edward and Bella walks in next.
"It's getting worse." I say as Carlisle turns off the tv.
"We might have to do something." Carlisle adds.

I move and kiss the side of Bella's head as she grabs my hand.

"It takes more than one of our kind to cause the damage they are reporting." Jasper said as he and Edward make eye contact.
"It's newborns." Edward looks to me for a second.

I frown thinking of my late friend.
He was turned and I tried to help teach him the way that Carlisle taught me but he was mad and didn't listen.
Went on a rampage killing anyone he came in contact with.
The guards found him and killed him.

"What like new vampires?." Bella asked and I nod my head.
"The first few months when we are at our strongest." I say the same time as Edward and I smile at him slightly.

I turn out the conversation as I think back to him.
Gosh I miss him.
If only I tried harder he would still be alive.
"Someone's creating an army." I hear making me look up.
"A army?." I tilted my head and fold my arms.
"Now we're definitely going to Seattle." Emmett says jumping off the couch.
I roll my eyes as his behavior.
"This is not a game of yours Emmett this is serious." I glare at him.

"Mortica." Edward says and I shake my head and walk away from everyone.

I went up to me and Edward room and sit on the floor in front of the window.
I just look out at the trees as they swayed.
It's gloomy outside more than likely it's going to rain.

I hear footsteps and know that Bella has decided to follow me.
She come into the room and walks over and sits down next to me.
"Are you okay?." She says after a moment of silence.
I nod slowly.
"I just wish to not see anything go wrong."

She reached out for my hand and kiss the back of it.

"Hey nothing bad is gonna happen."

"You don't know that Bella I've seen these newborns up close well one before and I've been one it's intense."

"What happened?." I sigh knowing she was going to want to know the story.
She's a curious girl.

"I had a best friend, his name was Raymond but I called him my little rainbow because he was short and used to wear all these color suits and jewelry, he was like the icon for being gay or should I say the king of the lbgtq community." I chuckled and she smiled as I lay my head on her lap and she runs her fingers through my hair.

"Gosh I could see him now, he always had some type of joke and had a smile on his face even when he would get called these disgusting names from the people around but he never let it get to him. I always thought he was breakable but one night I was coming to see him after I went and feed myself with rose. There was so much blood I almost lost control."

Mortica looks around the room in shock.
There laid her best friend covered in his own blood.
A gun and knife laid not to far from his body.
"Noo!." She cried out as she dropped down to her knees.

She looks at all the blood and feel herself wanting to taste it.
She moves her hand from Raymond body and find it covered in his blood.
She smells it and closes her eyes at the wonderful smell before she snaps them open and quickly wipes it on her dress.

"I'm so sorry but I can fix you just like I was fixed." She whispered next to his ear.
She moves her mouth downward to his neck and bits into it roughly.
Letting her venom flow into him.

After a moment she moves and watch as he twists and turns little groans of pain coming from him.

Edward and Carlisle speeds into the room.
"What did you do?." Edward asked her and she shakes her head.
"I helped him." Mortica answered as blood covered her dress and hands and her mouth.
She shows a bloody smile.

"I was a little crazy I guess back then but in my mind if I could have my best friend for eternity then I was going to take the chance." I grip Bella's leg tightly but not enough to hurt her.
"What happened after you turned him."

"He awoke scared and confused just like all of us when we turn. I talked him down and got him to make hunt for the first time even if I struggled with it myself. He was good for a day or two but then all that anger came, he was a total mess, he left for a week and in that week he killed and ripped apart anyone in his way. I found him and tried to talk him down but he wouldn't listen asked me to join him if I was really there for him."

I close my eyes as the memories come at me.
"Long story short he was caught by the volturi and slaughtered." I stand up and walk over to my dresser and open grab a small box.
"Before he died he gave me his necklace that he loved to wear, told me to keep it and he was sorry for the trouble he caused me, he didn't cause me anything I caused him pain and suffering trying to get him to join this life with me I was foolish."

"I have to go hunt Bella, Edward is waiting for you at the stairs." I say and help her stand up from her place on the floor.

"What happened wasn't your fault you tried to save you friend no one can blame you for that." She then leans down and kiss me slowly.
Her warm hands on my waist pulling me closer to her
We pull away and I look up into her eyes.
Thank you for listening Bella." I say and kiss her one more time before I speed out the window to the forest.

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