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Adam rose from the ground, his knees scuffed and his face bruised, wondering what could have made his bullies suddenly turn and run.

He dusted off his jacket, and turned around to see an incredibly tall man, nearly blocking out as much sunlight as the tree they both stood under.

At first Adam was frightened, and wanted to run, until the man spoke.

???: "Child... Why do they pick on you?"

The man asked in a voice that seemed familiar yet completely unknown to him.

Adam wiped his nose on his sleeve and sniffled.

Adam: "They call me names and push me around because I don't have a daddy."

???: "..."

Adam: "They said he ran away before I came."

???: "Don't let them get to you. The weak minded always find a reason to mock the strong."

???: "And you are strong, for coming so far without your father, like me."

The man reached out his hand to Adam with a smile.

???: "You live nearby, yes? I'll walk you home so no more bullies get you."

Sheepishly, Adam took the man's hand, surprised that this stranger knew the way home like the back of his hand.

The man stopped on the sidewalk, and let Adam walk up the stairs to the door.

???: "This is where we say goodbye for now, Adam."

???: "Always remember what I told you... And remember that your father, no matter where he is... He loves you very much."

And with nobody else watching, the man swung his sword and seemed to rip the air in half, as he stepped through into the nothingness.

Adam hopped down the stairs and went to follow him, wondering just how this magic stranger knew his name, but before he reached the rip, it closed back up.

He looked back up at the door, and made his way back inside where his foster parents doted over his boo-boos, gave him dinner, a bath, and a kiss goodnight.

But Adam didn't sleep.

He watched the moon outside of his window, waiting for the man to cut his way back to the street... But no such luck.

The stranger's words hung in his head, even as he fell asleep at the window.

???: "Your father, no matter where he is... He loves you very much."





A young man, with raven jet-black hair, amber-yellow eyes appearing in his late teens and is running towards the direction of the church until several automatons stand in his way.

He wears a white dress shirt with a black waist-coat and black trousers. He also wears black laced boots.

He has a black scarf around his neck, and three red belts: one across his chest, one on his hip, and one around his leg.

He also wears black gloves. Over his shirt, he has a brown trench coat with a black hood. His coat has an unusual logo on the back.

He charges forth against the automatons grabbing an enemy with his arm, bust them up with a damaging throw.

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