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"Undress"  Khizr ordered Asim, who was confused . Amal stared at the man in horror of what awaited her. Khizr smirked when he saw the horror in her eyes before continuing, "Did you not hear me already? Take your shirt off!"

"No, please!"Amal managed to shout, pulling her knees to her chest and hiding her face inbetween when she saw the guy unbutton his shirt, making Khizr laugh. Asim stopped when he heard her screech, not understanding what Khizr was trying to do.

"Stop, please. I'll do whatever you say without complaining, please."She whispered as she felt heaviness in head and in no time darkness covered her vision.

Amal was still half asleep when she heard voices around her, however she was unable to process them because of her condition. She tried opening her eyes. but failed recklessly. It was hard for her to lift her head because of the heaviness she was feeling because of her excessive cries. All the begging and shouting led to her feeling dryness in her throat.

After a few minutes, she managed to move her head a little though her vision was still a little blurry. The two women noticed her movement, her slightest movement caused one to leave the room and the other to saunter towards her. The women helped Amal sit up, forwarding the glass of water  near her mouth to drink.

"Take these, it will help." The woman emptied out two paracetamols on her palm, she smiled and spoke in the softest voice as she stood next to the bed. She looked like she was in her late fifties, she radiated a motherly energy which made Amal subconsciously trust her and feel at peace.

"My name is Armeen, but everyone calls me ammi meena so don't don't hesitate to call me that if you want, bacha."The woman smiled as she sat on the bed beside Amal's feet.

"Ammi meena?" Amal questioned, not understanding where that came from? Is she Khizr's mom?

"Well, you see. I've been working for the Ayad 
family for years, some of the males of my family work under Khizr as they grew up in this house.My grandson used to call me 'Ammi meena' and now, all these men and women who work under Khizr call me 'Ammi meena' because that guy befriends anyone and anything." Amal smiled a little as Armeena narrated her story. She couldn't help but wonder how this woman seemed so normal whilst working under the devil himself.

"You must have met him already. If you ever see someone break something or do something ridiculously weird, that's my grandson." Armeena spoke, smiling as the picture of her grandson flashed in her mind.

Amal left like an outcast, she wanted to leave.She did not want to live here, especially as the wife of Khizr. Just the thought of that marriage increased her heartbeat in fear and tears welled up in her eyes.

The door opened revealing Khizr followed by the woman who was previously in the room but rushed out when they saw Amal's movement.

'So she went to inform him' Amal thought in her head.

"Get out, both of you" Khizr ordered staring at Amal, who lowered her gaze as soon as her gaze met his. Armeena gave a tight smile to Amal as a reassurance before heading out after the other woman.

"If you fucking dare pull this fainting drama infront of others after I marry you, you better fucking not complain about the consequences." Khizr warned as he walked to her.

"When I talk, I expect you to look at me." Khizr gripped her jaw to make her face him, making her whine a little in pain.Amal was shocked when she felt his touch on her skin, she wasn't wearing her niqab!

Khizr got annoyed the moment he saw tears in her eyes again, he's had enough of tears already.

'Does this bitch never get tired of crying?"

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