The Woman

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The relief didn't last long before she felt herself being pushed into a room, a hand covering her mouth preventing any voice from leaving her mouth.

Amal's eyes widened in shock, trying to distance herself from the person but failed miserably. Her attempt came to a halt when she heard a very familiar voice yet again, filled with the same arrogance and attitude.

Khizr Ayad.

“Aren't you getting too confident nowadays?” He questioned, glaring at her. Amal frowned at his words and continued to push him away, failing miserably against his tall built frame.

“Why didn't you pick my calls?” Khizr asked, getting slightly annoyed when he received nothing except a few pushes in response.

Amal did not know how to answer that question without making him angry, instead she tried to get out of his hold. Khizr grabbed her face, making her face him. Amal hissed in pain when she felt a force on her cheek through her veil, she tried pushing the hand that grabbed her face. Khizr tightened his grip on her jaw at her defiance causing Amal to hiss in pain.

“I asked you something?” He reminded her once again.

“Because I don't want to.”Amal replied in a monotone unconsciously, regretting once she saw his jaw tick over her monotonous words.

“You must be missing me so much, wifey. Is that why you're so desperate to go back home with me?” He smiled, his tone filled with warning. Amal frowned at his words, eyes slightly widened at his warning. She did not want to go back with him.

“No, I'll pick your call next time.”Amal refused and tried assuring him. Khizr raised his eyebrow at her sudden change in behaviour, but smirked at his successful intimidation.

“Better.” He smirked and opened his mouth to say something else but his phone rang, gaining all of his attention. He picked it up and informed the person that he would be coming in a few minutes. Amal frowned at his words,hoping to get away from him.

“You're lucky that I have to leave quickly, otherwise I would've taught you a lesson" He spoke strictly with slightly raised eyebrows, bringing his face closer to hers to the point she could feel his breath on her veil, trying to intimidate her.

“But, this call won't be saving you next time. You better not miss my calls, or I'll drag you back. Do you get that?” He glared and Amal nodded repeatedly, wanting this to be over. Once he was assured that Amal understood his words, he maintained a comfortable distance between them and left the room.

Amal followed outside quickly but only for her steps to stop in its place when she heard a female call out Khizr. Amal, who was busy walking with her gaze fixed to the floor, looked up at the direction of the voice to see a fully veiled woman standing a few steps away from her, next to Khizr. If it wasn't for her tall frame, she would've thought it was Dina as she veiled in a similar way to this woman.

‘Is she his wife?’ Amal couldn't help but wonder as she saw the women hold onto Khizr's wrist, and showed no hesitation whatsoever.

“Who is she?”She questioned when her eyes landed at Amal, the curiosity evident in her question.

Khizr was out of words for a few seconds. He.gave Amal a glance before saying , “Amal, Raheem's sister.”

“Raheem's sister?” She questioned Khizr once again, who nodded in response. “Oh, Raheem!” She exclaimed when it looked like she remembered the man, confusing Amal. How does she know her brother?

“Assalam o alaykum, Amal” she forwarded her hands towards Amal, who took the handshake and greeted her back.

“I'm Sa–” She tried speaking once again, only to be cut off by Khizr.

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