Last Day

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“Die in pain then, I couldn't care less” Khizr retorted back in a somewhat harsh voice , rolling his eyes at her. He wanted to get back at her for mocking him but it was too late and he was too sleepy for that, he thought.

Amal was taken aback by his whining but kept firm at her decision. He had already forced her to sleep on the bed with him using his cunning tricks, but this was crossing the line.


Amal woke up to an empty bed once again, she was grateful but also curious about his whereabouts.There was still twenty minutes left until Fajr, and this man had already vanished. Where does he even go at night?

She sat up in bed with great difficulty, her back pain was still quite the same except it did get a little better.She got up and made wudhu to offer her salah.

“Bhai, did you find out who was behind that attempt?” Dina questioned her brother as she took another bite of her breakfast. Khizr, who sat on the main seat close to her, frowned at the question as if she had asked him something strange.

“I was supposed to do that?” Khizr questioned trying to act naively. Dina stared at him in disbelief, unable to understand what he was thinking.

“Bhai, stop playing games. It's exhausting.” Tears welled up in her eyes as a result of being overwhelmed by her brother's insensitive behaviour.

He used her in his games by wedding her off to his heartless friend. Not because he trusted Hayyan or he thought Hayyan was a good match for her, but rather to impress her in-laws. Hayyan belonged from a very influential family, marrying Dina to him meant that he was able to improve his connections and grow his businesses to overpower Farooq Shah.

All whilst knowing Hayyan was already married.

All whilst knowing Dina wanted a peaceful life away from the drama her brother and husband are involved in.

“Nina, stop crying. You told me to leave her and I'm leaving her off today. She isn't my responsibility. Her father can take care of this ruckus for her, I do not have the time to be wasting on it.” Khizr tried to assure her, but it did not help one bit. Khizr saw the tears in her eyes and left his cutlery to calm her down. He rubbed her back, trying to calm her down. He was not good with tears, especially his sister's.

“I'm assuming if something like this happened to me then you wouldn't try to find the culprit too? Because neither would  you have the time and neither am I your responsibility since you've married me off.” Khizr sighed in defeat at her response. This woman is not going to give up, he thought so he tried to divert the topic.

“Shut up, You talk too much nowadays.” Khizr said, looking at his phone before he continued, “Hayyan is here”.

Dina held a tissue near her eyes to get rid of the tears, and drank a glass of water to calm herself down. In no time, Hayyan had entered the dining room, giving his salam.

Hayyan took the seat next to Khizr, and opposite to Dina. She lowered her gaze trying not to make any sort of contact with him.

“Have you eaten?” Khizr questioned.

“No, I didn't have enough time.”

“I don't know where your time goes? You don't have enough time to spend with your wife and you don't have enough to eat.” Khizr rolled his eyes at his friend's excuse.

“What do you mean?” Hayyan questioned.A frown made its way onto his face, Dina could tell he was taken aback and confused by Khizr’s words.If Dina wasn't familiar with both men, she'd think they're about to throw hands.

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