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"You've lost it! You are a fucking coward! What the fuck do you mean by you'll give this marriage a chance? The only purpose for this marriage is to avenge Farooq Shah!You can't go back against your words"Kinza shouted at Khizr as they both threw glares at each other.Amal was taken aback by her words but she knew he was planning something for sure or did he actually want to make this marriage work? Amal hoped it was a mere plan because it gave her hope that maybe she will get a chance to escape after he achieves his aim.

Their marriage would not work. Their personalities were not alike and they both can not tolerate each other.

"Stop interrupting my personal matters. I know what I need to do to get what I want and involve an innocent woman into this conflict isn't one of the requirements." Khizr glared at his sister who gladly returned it with the same emotion. Amal inwardly scoffed at his words, she refused to believe he wanted to give their marriage a chance after insulting her blood for the past two days.

Are they siblings or enemies? Amal wondered when she saw both siblings glare at each other, ready to dig each other's grave.

"Badr, stop this drama" Kinza warned, reaching out to Badr who tightly embraced his uncle.

Khizr pushed her hand away before saying, "I'll ask Fardeen to take him to Yazid. You can go."

Kinza ignored and yet again reached for Badr, who only tightened his hold around Khizr. Badr's sobs intensified which seemed to have made Khizr more angry as he pushed her hands off once again before warning, "Kinza, I said I'll send him to Yazid. What's your problem!"

"I hate you!" Kinza shouted as she strolled to the door, hersteps halted when she saw Amal and shot her a few glares that could kill before leaving the house with a slam.

Amal was lost in her thoughts trying to analyse what just happened when Kinza stared at her, she wished no drama for herself and thankfully Kinza left without more fuss, making Amal sigh gratefully.

'It's been 2 days since I came here and both his sisters confessed their hatred for him. Its must be hard being hated by everyone' Amal scoffed in her head, trying to hold her laugh.

Amal heard him wall towards her but he walked past her to the sofa behind before he took a seat with Badr on his lap. Amal did not know what to do so she kept on her feets, not wanting to further embarrass herself in front of the household help.

He took his phone out and called someone asking them about the whereabouts of Yazid, Badr's father. After a few minutes he cut the call and Badr who was still silently sobbing looked at him in anticipation, waiting for his answer.

"badri, your baba said he'll pick you up in some time." Khizr rubbed the kid's back, trying to console him as he nodded in disappointment.Badr hugged his uncle again and Khizr continued trying to console him.Amal stared at Khizr confused because of his soft behaviour towards the kid but also grateful, he didn't also project his anger on the kid.

Khizr's phone rang again and he picked it up, talking for a few seconds before giving the phone to the kid. Badr's eyes lightened up as soon as he heard his father's voice, shouting 'Baba' in excitement before indulging in further conversation. Amal smiled at his excitement but lowered her gaze to the floor to avoid eye contact when Khizr looked around.

"Pass me the water"Khizr ordered in a monotonous voice, staring at Amal whose eyes were glued to the floor. Amal grabbed the jug and poured some water before passing it to him, making sure their hands do not contact.

"Ok, Baba" Amal heard Badr's voice once again breaking her stance. Badr gave the phone back to Khizr before cuddling into him again.Khzir saw his mood change again and decided to change the subject to distract him, his next words shocking Amal.

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