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The room was completely silent, aside from the sound of Evies foot tapping on the ground, due to her leg shaking. it was something she couldn't control when she became nervous, stressed, upset, or when she would be overthinking. and currently, she was doing most of those.

the hospital room was cold, causing Evie to hug her slightly wet long sleeves closer to her body. her head hung low, and her mouth was slightly parted as she breathed.

so many things were going through her head in that moment, she was starting to have a headache. sometimes she wished she could have a silent mind, although her thoughts never stopped.

her head was never quiet.

Fezco, who was also in the room and sitting in the chair across from her, was staring at the girl with a certain look.

Evie had been sitting in silence for so long. she hadn't even looked up since she put her head down.

Fez was worried for the girl.

Ashtray was laying on the bed in the middle of the two, unresponsive.

on the way to the hospital Ashtray had only said a few things.

he was telling Evie to calm down, to not cry, and that he would be fine.

and he had whispered the name "Cortez."

Evie understood the boy didn't want her to be upset, and wanted her to be calm due to the fact her being panicked and scared would make him stressed and he needed to be relaxed in that moment.

but she couldn't help it.

Ashtray had told her he had fixed everything with Cortez. not only had he told Evie that, he had told Fez the same thing.

his exact words, "i handled it."

Evie sort of understood why he lied to them. he didn't want them to worry, and maybe he was actually handling it.

but it was no longer handled, and Ashtray might not make it.

a doctor had came in their room around an hour ago, and the words she had said, had been circling in Evies mind ever since.

"we don't know if he's going to make it, i'm so sorry."

Fezcos head raised when he heard Evie let out a shaky breath, watching her push herself up from the chair she sat in. "i'm gonna go home." she spoke softly.

Fezco knew about her parents situation. he knew she was home alone almost always, and at the moment he didn't know if her being alone was the best thing. "i can take—"

"i'm okay, Fez. thank you." she spoke, giving him a slight smile before walking out of the room.

Evie had walked home that day, her mind replaying every moment her and Ashtray had spent together over the past year.

how he had went to the winter formal just because she wanted him to.

the time they spent not liking each other.

the first time they kissed.

how she had tried to convince herself she didn't have feelings for him.

how he had went to a football game to watch her cheer.

their matching bracelets.

the many times he stayed at her house because he didn't like her being home alone all the time.

how him and Fezco had made sure she was spending Christmas was somebody, since her parents were out of town.

how she had fallen in love with somebody she never expected to.

she found herself becoming annoyed, due to her mind being filled with all the memories she had with Ashtray, she eventually started crying. it was like she couldn't control it.

the tears kept falling, and it didn't matter how much she wiped her eyes.

she vision was blurry, and she could barely see where she was walking.

Fezco had texted Maddy, telling her the entire situation and asking her if she would check on her. and by the time Evie got to her house, Maddy, Kat, and Lexi were already there waiting on her porch.

Maddy immediately ran to the girl, wrapping her arms tightly around her.

The other two joined, each telling the girl how sorry they were for her, and letting her know that they would be there for her.

Evie stayed silent, feeling like if she were to say anything she would burst into tears and in that moment, she only wanted to be comforted by her friends, she didn't want to cry anymore.

they were fine with Evies silence. they just wanted her to know they were there for her, and that they would be as long as she needed.

Lexi put a bunch of pillows and blankets in Evies living room, along with snacks and drinks.

Maddy put on a show they had all watched before, but Evie loved it, so they would watch it again.

it was different not hearing Evies occasional comments about something that happened in the show, or how she would laugh at random things she found funny.

of course her friends were worried for her, but they were just going to give her, her time and let her react to the situation however she felt was best.

they would be by her side no matter what.

Evie could barely focus on the show, her head was everywhere else. but she tried as best as she could to think positively.

after a few episodes, she found herself getting tired. after crying for hours and feeling exhausted with the way her mind was filled with so many thoughts that it sounded loud, she began falling asleep.

though, her phone rung, making her quickly jump up. the second she read Fezcos name, her heart dropped.

she quickly answered, pressing the phone up against her ear. "hello?"

the silence made her heart speed up, and her hands started to shake.

"Evie—" Fezco hesitated, and Evie could hear the sigh he let out.

it was almost like Evie already knew, because her hand started to slowly drop from her ear, but she still waited for Fezco to speak because she prayed it was something else.

"he didn't make it."


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