Chapter 11

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"I can't believe I said that!"

Kellam lean against the wall as Selah paces back and ford, rambling on and on. No woman has ever tell them off like that.

"I don't know what come over me. I curse a bunch of old men. Can it get any worst?"


"I don't need an answer Kellam. This is a nuclear disaster."

"I don't know what nuclear is but I know you just call me by my name."

She pause.

"I did...didn't I? Your Majesty I don't want your ego to get any bigger."

"You wound me."

"If you keep talking I might."

He grin at her.

"Maybe flying will help you to calm down."

"I'm staying on land." She head outside to the garden. She can relax among the flowers.

"Come I want to show you something."

"Does it include flying?"


"Thank God. Lead the way."

Selah follow him through the garden and out a back gate.

"Do you come out here often?"

"As often as I could. After being on this earth for centuries you lost interest in alot of things."

"I know it's not easy for you but I'm glad you're still going strong. I wish I could live as long as you but I will grow old and die."

"I've dream of the day when I can finally leave this cursed place."

"I can understand your situation."

"Here we are." He pull back a flower curtain and she walk into the cave opening. "The one place no-one know about."

"I know about it."

"An exception."

They came out into a different part of the forest. Selah was mezmerized by the bright color flowers and the tall, magical looking trees.

She felt like she's in a princess movie.

"I take it you like it."

"I love it."

He sit and lean against a tree as she walk around and touch the flowers. It's the last place you would expect to find a man like Kellam.

"I've wish for a place like this once I finish my service."

"What do you mean?"

Selah went over and sit infront of him.

"Where we came from we have soldiers. Military, navy, seal and a lot more. I was in the navy. Born and raised."

"So why did you come out of it? It's sounds nice."

"It's not. Not with people trying to kill you. I got out because of an injury to the stomach. My dad call it a miracle. I call it just lucky."

"I'm glad you're alive. I really am."

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