Chapter 23

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Selah yawn as she entered the dining hall. Her hair was up in a messy bun and she was in her robe. At this point she don't care how she look.

"Good morning love. Meet our guest."

Selah tiredly look around before yawning again.

"Hello." She sit in her chair and put a smile on. "Pardon my attire."

"It's OK Your Majesty."

"You ok there love?" Selah glare at him and he raise a eyebrow.

"You could have wake me."

"You are tired love. Its the main reason I let you sleep." She pout.

"I'm not mad."

"Just tired."

Selah turn to the dutchess and her family. "How is everything going back home Dutchess Eleanor?"

"Everything is wonderful! You should travel to Botina sometime."

"I will take you up on that offer."


"Mama I want to see the dragons."

Selah chuckle. "They are out in the fields. They need their morning exercise but they will be back soon for their breakfast."

"Can I have?"

Selah laugh. "I would happily give you one if I could. But we can't be far apart."

"Are they your babies?"

"You can say that. They are my babies and I love every single one of them with all my heart."

Kellam look at Selah with pure joy. Hearing her say that out loud make him love her even more.

"Oh they are here!" Selah get up reach for Benjamin. "Shall we go meet my kids?"


Kellam watch the duo ran out of the room.

"She'll make a great mom."

"I know." He get up and follow them.

"Wow! They are so big!"

"They grow real fast. Talon come here!"

The giant black dragon swoop down with a swish. Talon land soundlessly and nuzzle Selah.

"Hey baby. Enjoy your flight? Ben meet Talon. Talon be nice."

Talon lay down and Ben pat his head.

Talon was like a dog when he has all the attention.

Selah left Ben with Talon. He want harm him and neither will the others.

She yawn again.

"You want to rest love?"

"We have guest."

"You should get some rest Your Majesty. We will be here when you wake up."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. We women need our beauty sleep."

"Well in that case I'm going back to bed. Please enjoy your stay. See you later Ben."


Selah head inside and up to her room.

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