Chapter 16 POV Vincent

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I stare at the hung-up phone, frozen in place.

In fact, I had anticipated this situation.

The day I took Elsie to the gathering, after she left, Josh told me everything. Elsie had appeared at his restaurant before, and he mistook her for Charlotte.

I waved it off, saying it was okay.

I thought, even if Elsie found out the truth someday, who could guarantee that we wouldn't have grown tired of each other by then? Maybe we would have already broken up.

Or perhaps, if we were still together, Elsie would condemn me and cry over it.

Then I wouldn't bother explaining anything; I would casually say, "We agreed from the start to be sex partners, engaged in a sex-money transaction. On that level, I don't owe you anything."

But when things actually happened, Elsie's reaction was unexpectedly calm.

After hanging up the phone, the notification sound echoes in my mind.

It feels like someone is firing a shot at me.

I open the treadmill in the living room, press the start button, and increase the pace.

When the muscles in my calves start to ache, I take a shallow breath and come to my senses.

I look down and see that my clothes are soaked.

I go to the bathroom, take a shower, and then return to the study to work on the computer.

The game is about to go online.

The PR manager sends a report detailing the online and offline promotion details.

I read it for a while, then pick up a pen and lightly trace the paper with the cap.

The rustling friction sounds particularly quiet in the room, and quite... dull.

Until Monday morning.

Josh passes by my company and go upstairs to have coffee.

But he is startled when he sees me. "You spent the whole weekend having sex in bed? Your dark circles are as bad as panda's."

I reply casually, "It's over between us. Who can I have sex with?"

"Weren't you two getting along perfectly?" Josh is puzzled.

I pull out a chair, turn on the computer, and explain briefly, "She saw Charlotte."

Josh scrutinizes me, "Why are you so calm? What did she say? Did she react violently?"

"We're both adults. It was a peaceful break-up."

I take out the revised promotion details I reviewed over the weekend from my bag, call Nick inside, and say, "I've marked the areas that need to be modified. Have the PR manager take it and make the changes." Nick picks up the report, hesitates at the door, and asks, "...Mr. Vincent, about the game spokesperson..."

I pause, "It's still Elsie Hannaway."

Let's say it's a breakup gift.


The game's online release date is approaching, and the company is getting busier.

Starting from Monday, the internal testing begins.

The company starts distributing some activation codes for players to experience the game and gather feedback on player reactions, while also identifying some details of bugs.

Under increased pressure, people tend to indulge in excessive eating. So, this afternoon, I go to Josh's restaurant to have some light vegetarian food.

However, he is too busy today to cook for me.

Not only that, he occupies the kitchen and doesn't let the chefs prepare my meal.

So I go to the kitchen the figure out what's fucking going on, and I see Josh chatting with someone on his Bluetooth headset while carefully picking out the zucchini from a box of stir-fried zicchini with vegetarian beef.

What's even more bizarre is that he has a big smile on his face.

I draw in a cold breath.

"I didn't know you don't eat zucchini," Josh says. "Yes, sometimes the taste is indeed strange."

"No problem, I also made deep-fried vegetable balls, tomato mushroom and potatoes..." Josh's smile grows even bigger.

What's going on? Josh's spring arrived?

Josh only notices me after finishing the call. "You're here."

"Are you in love?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"One-night stand." Josh covers the dinner box and puts it in a bag.

"... In the 29 years I've lived, it's the first time I've seen someone cook for a one-night stand partner."

I can't help but give him a thumbs up. "You're really something."

"Don't you see me making an effort?"

Josh feels my sarcasm and glances at me.

"A one-night stand develops a bit, it becomes a two-night stand. Develop a bit more, and it becomes a three-night stand, four-night stand... eventually, it turns into an official relationship."


The logic is flawless.

Fortunately, the kitchen is now free, and Josh goes to deliver food to his one-night stand partner.

I stay in the restaurant, finally able to order from the chef.

But just as I take a few bites of my food, my phone rings.

Nick sends a message saying that our company has signed a contract with Elsie as the game spokesperson.

I put down my knife and fork, open Elsie's chat box, and find no messages from her.

After thinking for two seconds, I switch back to Nick's chat box and type: [Have you seen her? ]

Nick quickly replies: [Miss. Elsie was not there; I only met her agent. ]

[Where did she go?]

I check Twitter every day and only know that her movie has wrapped up.

[A small town in southern China, a place specializing in making porcelain.] Nick responds.


I look at my phone, smile, and then eat my meal fiercely.

The next day, I come to Josh's restaurant again.

Josh is in the kitchen, cooking and talking on the phone.

"Want me to cook some noodles for you?"

"Not digesting?... But, in the evening, you can't just eat fruits... "

"You really don't want anything else? I can make Thai-style fried rice noodles."

"You're not fat. It would be even better if you gain a few more kilograms..."

Listening by the door, I get goosebumps.

After my dinner is served, I take a few bites and then pull out my phone to check Elsie's chat box.

Her profile is a cartoon umbrella, but there is still no information below the that.

I open Nick's chat box and send him a message: [Contact her agent and ask when she will be back in London. ]

[Don't let her delay the game advertisement shoot.]

Ten minutes later, Nick's reply pops up: [Miss. Elsie's agent says everything is arranged properly. Please rest assured.]


Like yesterday, I look at my phone, smile, and then eat my meal fiercely.

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