Chapter 2

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Walking out of the party after greeting the host one last time, I breathed out in relief, having finally left the superficial company of people.

Sitting in my car, I started driving to the place that had introduced me to my combat trainer.

After an hour, I finally reached the neatly maintained automobile repairing garage, the lights still dimly lit, the sound of metal clinking reaching my ears.

I walked through the open entrance and towards the sound.

"You should be resting at this late in the night.", I said, leisurely leaning against a car.

"So should you.", he replied, still lying flat under the car he was repairing.

Pursing my lips, I sat on a nearby chair. A brief silence followed, until he chose to break it.

"Is it safe to assume something happened?", he asked, still working.

I chuckled.

Well, that's Liam.

I met him 7 years ago, on a night, when three men tried to abuse me.

He had saved me back then and upon my request, he took me under his tutelage to train me in combat.

He is one merciless teacher.

Never went easy on me while training and I didn't want him to either.

Amidst all the changes in my life, he remained constant.

"You're lost in thought.", his sudden voice startled me.

Gliding out from under the car, he stood up, dusting his shirt, collecting his tools.

For a man nearing his fifties, he sure is fit and strong, visiting gym everyday.

"I am." I replied.

He didn't ask me about it, just like always.

"I went to a party today. There was a man who stopped my hit so easily, it felt humiliating.", I said, clenching my jaw.

"You still have room for improvement.", he replied.

"I know that.", I said dryly.

"Did you act on impulse?", he asked calmly, wiping the grease off his tools.

"I did.", I answered honestly.

"The moment you give in to your emotions and act on impulse, you offer your opponent with not one but multiple openings. That was the first rule.", he said, displeased.

Rubbing my forehead, I pursed my lips.

I knew that. But in that moment, my instincts jumped in and I acted immediately.

"Why would you fight in a party?", he asked, intrigued.

"I was standing alone, far away from the hall for some fresh air. Things happened and I ended up trying to hit him.", I explained.

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