Chapter 5

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"A very nice way of taking revenge, Ms. Baker, my hand is indeed stained with coffee now.", I said in a very calm tone.

She pushed herself off the table and stood straight, her eyes clenched in embarrassment.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. , it was my son's fault. I'm sorry, Ms.", the kid's mother apologized frantically, looking at me and Ms. Baker.

"Sir, are you alright? I'll get some cool water.", the waitress rushed inside hastily to the staff room.

"Sir", Cavin walked into the cafe, a frown etched on his face.

I would appreciate it if all of them stop being so anxious.

I closed my eyes for a moment to calm down. When I opened them, they retained their usual stoicness.

Fisting my right palm to endure the burning, I picked a tissue to wipe the coffee on my shirt.

"Don't.", Ms. Baker's sudden voice halted me.

I looked at her stoically and she was looking at me with a frown.

"Don't touch the burn with the tissue. It must be immersed in cold water first. Also, don't fist your palm, the skin will be stretched.", she said, her voice very faintly guilty, clearing her throat in awkwardness.

I picked the tissue anyway and wiped my white shirt to remove any coffee still soaking on the cloth.

"I'm sorry, si-", the mother of the kid was saying, but Dylan cut her off harshly.

"Can't you control your kid properly? Why's he running around in a cafe?", Dylan asked angrily, glaring at the lady.

She flinched and the kid squeezed against his mother's legs, scared.

"Dylan.", I stopped him.

"But they-", he paused, looking away, huffing, at my stern look.

"Sir, here's the cool water and a few bandages.", the waitress came back and placed the first aid box on the table with a bowl of fresh cool water.

"Immerse your hand in the water.", Ms. Baker instructed.

"I know.", I replied sternly, looking at her.

"Well, then, do it.", she said, looking back at me.

I controlled my urge to shake my head.

I placed my palm in the water, the cooling liquid soothing the burn.

"Your palm needs to be loosely bandaged.", she said firmly.

"I know how a burn should be treated, Ms. Baker, I would appreciate some silence.", I replied calmly, masking my annoyance at her tone.

Pursing her lips, she looked away.

The mother and her little kid were still standing by the table, her worried and him scared.

Removing my palm out of the water, I looked up at Dylan for tying the bandage, but his hands were already wrapped in one from the fight he had at school.

Asking Cavin would only make it awkward for him and me.

Having no other choice, I picked the thin bandage with my left hand to do it by myself.

As I was opening it, her voice came through yet again.

"Are you ambidextrous?", she asked.

"No.", I replied, unwrapping the new set of bandages.

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