Chapter 6

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"Our grandparents have found a 'prospective' bride for you.", my cousin, Aurelio, said through the call.

That halted me in my tracks.

"What?", I asked, faintly frowning.

"They aren't searching for a bride. They have decided on one already.", he replied.

"Since when did they get an impression that they have any right to decide for me?", I asked, continuing to my home office.

"They have always been crazy, it's not even a surprise at this point.", he scoffed slightly.

"Do they think their opinions and decisions matter to me? I have not given a single signal of obedience, neither voluntarily nor in a daze.", I replied calmly.

My grandparents, uncle and aunt lost my respect three years ago when they chose to betray my trust by not informing me about my sister's abduction while I was away on a mission.

Shaking that thought off, entering my study, I settled on my chair, removing the blazer and loosening the tie.

"Well, that's why I'm the one being forced to relay this news to you.", Aurelio replied dryly, displeased.

"Elio, you know my answer, you didn't have to ask.", I said.

"I know, but I thought maybe you'd have a change of mind. Considering you haven't found anyone yet, I thought you'd give this a chance.", he replied casually.

"Well, I'm not even remotely interested.", was my curt reply.

"Fine. But, it's strange. Our grandparents have been suspiciously persistent about this alliance. It was as if this is not a choice, but as if this was the obvious and the only option.", he wondered out loud.

"What do you mean?", I asked, my eyes narrowing at his words.

"I'm not sure myself. They told me that she is going to be the eldest daughter-in-law in the family and that you should be informed about it. They never mentioned asking your opinion on this.", he replied.

"I don't know what their intentions are and I'm not bothered about it either. Tell them, I said 'no'.", I said firmly.

"Consider it done. By the way, have you met any interesting women yet?", he asked, mischief lacing his tone.

For a split moment, the smug image of Raelynn Baker popped in my brain, but I shook my head.

"No.", was my short reply.

"You don't plan on being 'bachelor for life', do you?", he questioned dryly.

"You haven't found anyone yourself.", I commented flatly.

"But I have met many. You know what I mean.", he replied smugly.

"And you know I have no interest in knowing about your many unless you're very serious about one among them.", I replied, displeased.

"Fine, relax. What about the recent operation we held, any news?", he asked, getting serious.

For a few minutes, we talked about work and finally I cut the call.

Dylan had come in five minutes ago and waited until I finished my call.

When I looked at him, sitting on one of the two chairs on the other side of the table, he stiffened a little.

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