Chapter 4

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(1 day ago)

"Glad you've come, Mr. Marino.", Katherina Reece greeted me with a courteous smile, extending her hand in greeting.

"Thank you for the invitation, Mrs. Reece, and congratulations on the new milestone your company has reached.", I replied formally , shaking her hand.

"Thank you, Mr. Marino, and please enjoy the party, maybe this may help you find a prospective bride.", she said, a subtle mischief lacing her tone.

"Has this topic reached your notice too, Mrs. Reece?", I asked calmly.

She chuckled, nodding.

"You're 26.", she said.

"Precisely my point. I'm just 26.", I replied.

"Well, then, enjoy dating at least.", she suggested, smiling, her voice laced with a tease.

I shook my head slightly.

This topic has been a constant discussion at home and now, much to my displeasure, it's reaching beyond the walls of my house.

"Come on now, don't force him, Kate, love happens when it happens, one cannot plan it.", Michael Reece said, draping a hand around Katherina's waist, nodding at me in greeting.

I gave him a curt nod, greeting back.

"Well, then, I won't keep you occupied on this topic anymore, Mr. Marino, hope you have a good evening.", Katherina said, offering me a glass of wine.

Accepting the glass, I nodded.

Soon after they excused themselves, I was swarmed with men and women from various sectors of business and acquaintances from government elites.

It was tiring.

While most of them either try selling their business idea to gain an investment, the others try introducing their daughters to me in an attempt to strike a relationship.

As stoic as my countenance is, the very thought of forcing a bond of marriage for financial and political gains disgusts me, a pinch of anger prickling within.

After a long time amidst people's ulterior conversations and greetings, I stepped out of the hall, into the back garden, the sky as wide, dark and soothing as ever.

Basking in the cool breeze, I walked further away from the dazzling lights and the fake smiles.

If Theo wasn't down with a sudden fever and weakness, he would've been the one attending this party, sparing me the waste of time.

As I walked further into the garden, I noticed a woman in a knee length black dress standing alone near a tree.

I stood a little away from her.

I hope she won't try to strike up a conversation.

As I was deep in my thoughts, waiting for a call from one of my men, I heard a faint male voice.

Disregarding it, I sipped my wine, still thinking about the mission I had sent a group of my men on.

"But no one would notice here. I even booked a room in a -", the faint male voice continued.

His words caught my attention.

A slight frown pulled my brows together.

I looked to my side and when I did, I saw the woman from before tackle the man skillfully and slam him against the tree.

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