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There is a silence in the elevator , Aaron looks at me and his face softens " Clara I'm not mad , but do you know what you have gotten yourself into ? " . I drop my head " Yes " I reply in a whisper . I don't even want to know what punishment awaits me - . " Clara " I look to my brother , his voice so soft so so gentle so reassuring when he says . " No matter what happens I'll protect you " , I don't stop the flood of emotion over me and I hug my brother tight for the first time that feels like an eternity . His embrace is so comforting . He lightly strokes my hair and pulls away his green eyes wild staring at me . He cups my face and kisses my forehead . He pulls me in for another hug " You can sleep in my room if you're scared allright " , " Thank you " , I reply still holding onto him and as the elevator door pings open we both immediately pull away and stand still .

It's Anderson . He slowly claps at us . Clap . Clap . Clap . " How sweet my two teenage daughters together " . Aaron steps forward and stands in front of me as if ready to shield me . " Step away from Clara or I'll make you hurt her yourself " Anderson says sternly . Oh no the flashbacks Aaron 16 hitting me with a belt tears streaming down his face . And I stand there numb . It was the first time in my life I never felt anything but emptiness . I felt the belt hitting me but it did nothing ...

I swallow . Close my eyes to take away the burning sensation . We both step outside the elevator . Feel nothing Clara , I remind myself , be numb , stay calm . I keep repeating these words to myself , because I know Anderson wants me to crack . But I will NEVER EVER give him what he wants . He hits me across my face " Look at me while I'm talking to you Clara " . I look up at him . " You are making your brother soft , that's why I could never put you in a position of power you are too soft Clara . I should  punish you ... " he says with a grin . Aaron looks over at me " You know Clara your softness will cause you to end up like Leila " . I look at him stare at him there are so many things I want to say , it's driving me crazy , but don't bring my dying mother into this and never underestimate my softness for weakness . Instead as always I stay silent because silence is much more powerful than words will ever be . I start walking away . "Just like your mother Clara " he shouts at me and I hit the wall with my fist .

As I walk around the corner I inspect my bloody hand . My body trembling . I can't breathe .

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