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My whole upper body is wrapped in bandage . I put on a oversized crew neck it's navy with my name etched on the top right corner , black shorts and I've braided my hair and I step outside of the bathroom and something stirs inside me . Xander is holding a tiny piece of paper . I speedwalk toward him .
"Xander " , he startles at my voice
" Yes ? " he says looking up his eyes widen at my horrified expression .
I snatch the piece of paper from him and look at it . Something inside me shatters its a family photo . Christmas 2010 , I was two years old in that photo . I smile at my pigtails . I move my focus to mommy she's the most beautiful woman in the world . " Is she your mom ? " Xander asks . I nodd excitedly without realising that I'm genuinely smiling . I look at my dad , I run my thumb over his face , I never used to understand why my mom would marry such a ruthless monster . I realise now that he wasn't always like that . The man in this photo was the Paris Anderson my mom married ... my heart aches of what could have been and without hesitation I tear the paper in half my intrusive action surprising both myself and Xander . " But that was a long time ago " I toss the piece of paper in the garbage and I hate to admit it , but it hurts doing so . Xander looks shocked .

" So your name is Clara ? "

My eyes jump straight toward his , the eyes that torture me . I stare at him and swallow . He drops his gaze once his eyes meet mine .

" Why do you want to know Xander ? "
" I'm just curious "
I sigh and run both my hands through my hair . " Yes " I sigh " Yes my name is Clara , Clara Warner , happy now ? "
It's silent for a beat
" And Anderson is your father ? " he cocks his head in question
" Yeah "

Silence again

" So your own father tried to kill you the day you brought that pup to headquarters? " he says gesturing to the sleeping dog on my floor his voice is dangerously soft . I fed her a lot these past days and she's gotten fatter , healthier . I stare at the puppy . Xander to my Suprise starts pacing the length of my room
" Clara " his voice now more stern than I have ever heard it . He looks angry ? Concerned ? I'm not sure , but his eyes are wide and his brows are furrowed. His jaw is tense his whole body actually . I stay silent .
"Clara " he says
I cross my arms and look to the side and nodd , barely a whisper " Yes Xander, my own father tried to kill me . " I frown looking at the floor . " I never wanted you to know , in fact I never wanted anyone to know " I sit down onto the bed looking at my hands .
Xander stops , he looks at me . I don't see it but I feel it .

Xander POV

Madam Warner- I mean Clara , Clara such a beautiful simple name . I stop and look to her before I get carried away . She is on the edge of the bed staring into her hands . Searching them as if she's searching for answers . Her whole forehead is wrinkled into a frown . She looks defeated . I've never seen her like this , ever . I slowly walk toward her my boots squeaking as I make my way towards her . I sit down next to her . The silence in this room is deadly .
" Clara " I manage to whisper before drowning in silence " I know this is a professional relationship and stuff , but I really really really do care for you . More than your safety as my client , more for you as my boss , more for you than just a friend . At this Clara looks up . She looks to me and the arctic ice in her eyes have molten . They have turned into stormy waves of a ocean I once new . I just got a glimpse of that through her dark navy eyes .
" What do you mean more than a friend Xander "
The terrified tone of her voice sends a spark of fear through my heart . I swallow it and look back to her
" You know what I mean " I take her trembling hand into mine her fingers slowly clench over my hand , but hers jerks back . It looks like she wants to kill me . To my surprise she stands up . Takes a deep shaky unnerving breath . The room is dark I can only see the silhouette of her body struggling to keep herself together . Finally a whisper .
" Xander , you can't love me . "

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