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"Yeah we're fine." Sam said on the phone with someone and accidentally waking me up.

"We didn't do any investigations after that. Lexi didn't want to talk about it last night, and to be honest I didn't want to talk about what happened to me either."

"We were gonna talk about it today, but Lexi sleeps just like Colby does." Sam said with a laugh. I tried not to take that as an insult but it was true.

"Okay I'm gonna wake them up so we have time to pack up and head out," Sam said fidgeting with his thumb.

"Bye, love you too," Sam said before hanging up.

I could have guessed he was talking to kat. Colby sometimes will talk about how Sam will wake him up while talking with kat.

"Yo, Colby!" Sam said standing up and turning his head towards us, "oh good morning Lexi."

"Good morning, Sam," I said rubbing eyes like I just woke up.

I then looked at Colby's face while pushing is shoulder a little bit. Of corse he just groaned and ignored it. Sam walked over to his suitcase to grab something and left me to wake up Colby.

"Colbyyyyy, wake uppp," I said pushing his shoulder more.

He mumbled out a, no, and tried to fall asleep again.

"Colby wake up," I said while standing up out of the bed.

"No stay," Colby muttered as he threw out his harm to grab mine and throw me back on the bed.

I let a little scream out before I hit the bed. Colby and I started to laugh slightly and it got louder and louder.

"Good morning!" Sam said while pointing a camera at us. We could barely hear him over our laughing. I quickly stood up again except I went further away from the bed this time.

"Good morning Sam! And all those beautiful people." I said slightly pointing at the camera.

"Good morning Sam...and all them people who watch us daily," Colby said with his head buried in the pillow.

I ran to my suitcase and grabbed out my outfit as Colby sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"Colby, I bet I can beat you in getting ready first today!" I said running to the bathroom with my outfit.

I had grabbed some black flair leggings and a XPLR hoodie. I threw on my bracelets and jewelry. I quickly grabbed my clothes and I ran out of the bathroom.

"Slowpoke!" Colby said standing by my suitcase already changed and his necklace and rings already on.

"What! How?" I asked stopping on my tracks.

"I'm just faster," Colby replied, "another thing I'm better than you at!" He said sticking out his tongue at me.

"Fuck off," I said smiling and flipping him off with both my hands.

"No you!" He said flipping me back off.

"Yup worse than siblings," Sam said turning the camera away from us and at himself. Me and Colby just turned and flipped Sam off instead.

Sam walked over to his equipment bag and pulled out another camera. Colby and I cleaned off the kitchen table so we could sit and recap on last night.

Sam set up one of the cameras so that you could see all of us at the table. The other one was pointed to view the rest of the room incase something happened.

"Ready?" Sam asked Colby and I before hiring record on the camera facing us.

"Yeah," Colby said while pulling out a chair and sitting down.

"Never," I said, pulling out a chair and scotching it closer to Colby's chair. Colby noticed and smiled a little but moved his chair as well.

"Don't worry I'm not exactly excited either," Sam said, walking over to the table.

It was a square ass table and me and Colby were in the corner across from the camera. Sam was sitting on the side across from me and next to Colby.

"Okay, so who wants to go first?" Sam said looking at the camera then at us.

"I will," Colby said as he tapped one of his rings on the table.

Colby leaned back in his chair and looked down towards his knees. I could tell he was nervous, and it wasn't because him going first. He was nervous to hear what I had saw the night before.

"So, my night was definitely better than yours Lexi. Umm, it started fine, then the Estes with Sam started to get weird. He would rock back and forth which could have just been him but it didn't feel like him I guess." Colby said looking at the camera and at Sam.

"He would have a smile that I have never seen on him before. It looked like it didn't belong to a human." Colby continued, now staring through the glass table and looking at the ground.

"Whatever we we're connecting to through the Estes kept saying things like, gone, mine, and it would laugh except it sounded like Sam's real laugh," Colby said looking at the camera and at Sam towards the end.

*Colbys pov*

"I had been checking on Lexi the whole time. Nothing was really happening till I went to get Sam out of the Estes, I'll let her explain." Colby said looking back down at his rings then at me.

"I went and got Sam out of the Estes, but he was like really out of it. I had to take the headphones and Banda off of him. And it took him a while to ground himself again," Colby said, looking back at the ground now.

"I went back to Lexi so she could help me with Sam but she was out of it now. She quickly closed her eyes tightly, and started to talk just like how Sams was through the spirit box, theirs but deeper and scarier," Colby continued

"She said something like, gone now, and a few other things. Sometimes she would laugh sinisterly, except she would never move her eyes off of the mirror. I shook her and stood in front of the mirror but nothing would help." Colby said moving he is towards Sam and the camera.

"Umm, Sam said he heard a voice and that I needed to move, and I didn't believe him. A little while later I heard the same voice, and I felt the need to listen to it. Me and sam then sat against the wall until Lexi came back,"I said turning my head away from sam at the end, and looking at Lexi adding a sarcastic smile when i finished.

"That's a good summary for my side I guess," I added looking back at the camera.

"Okay, Lexi? Or do you want me to go," Sam asked looking at me.

"I'll go," Lexi said, before I could finish her response my gut dropped.

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