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*are you guys in joying it? I know I love writing it lol, but I want your feedback so I can make it better*

*lexis Pov*

"Are we done then?" Colby said when our giggles had stopped.

"Lexi, are you still going to share the other thing?" Sam asked me looking at the camera then me.

"Okay, so I was sitting there with my head buried in my arms. This was after I had heard the creature leave obviously. I looked up after what felt like an hour, but had probably been a few minutes, my surroundings where now pitch black," I said adjusting myself to sit up straighter.

"I started screaming for help, before I heard a new voice, a woman's voice. This one I didn't want to hide from, it sounded kind, gentle, and delicate. When she spoke my fear left and my tears stopped, her voice made me feel happy. She was dressed in a beautiful blue dress, like a Cinderella ball gown. She had longer black hair, like mine, with a small blue and white crown on top. She had a strange glow around her lay light the dark very slightly. " I said looking through the glass table, to the ground again trying to remember everything.

"She asked me why I was there, and told my I wasn't supposed to be there. I told her I didn't know how I was there or where I was. I asked who she was and she told me her name was, Astrid. She then continued on to tell me who she was, she said she was my spirit quite and was supposed to make sure I'm on the right track I guess," I said moving my eyes up, now looking at the wall.

"She told me that I was beginning a spiritual journey, which was most likely why I ended up there. She said that I was a psychic medium, and that was why I have been getting visions and why I had drawn this entity to me. She then led me to a new pitch black area, and told my that is where she needed to leave me and that I would be back shortly," I said towards Colby then the camera.

"She then slowly faded into the darkness right in front of me. Then about a minute or so later I saw the mirror in front of me and I couldn't move. But as my surroundings came back I realized I was sitting in the mirror place again," I said smiling at the end.

"Okay, I find that strange because while you were out of it I heard a calm, soft, beautiful lady's voice in my ear saying, "let me," I wonder if that was Astrid telling us to move so she could help you," Sam said looking at me before giving Colby a look of, I told you so.

"Yeah probably, we're you recording during that?" Colby asked Sam knowing he had been recording as much as possible.

"I think so, we should see if you can here it, because it was like as loud as me and you right now," Sam said before standing up and jogging over to his bag.

"Do you think you could grab some ibuprofen or something while you are over there?" I asked placing my palm on my forehead.

"Yeah," Sam said continuing to dig through his bags for meds and his camera stuff.

"Are you okay, Lexi?" Colby asked scooting closer and placed his hand over mine before feeling my forehead.

"Yeah I should be fine, just a head ache," I said pushing on my forehead a little with my palm.

"Your burning up, are you sure?" Colby said moving his hand around my forehead and neck.

"I am? I think I'll be fine, if it gets worse I'll tell you," I said squinting my eyes from pain.

"How long has it hurt?" Colby asked placing his hand on my thigh.

"Sense Sam stood up, it was like a instant thing. Kinda like how when you moved while I was staring into the mirror and my surroundings instantly started fading away," I said moving my eyes to meet with Colby's.

"Okay, are you sure your okay?" Colby asked one more time. I just nodded my head, not wanting to talk before it got worse.

"Here Colby catch!" Sam said from across the room before tossing the ibuprofen to him.

Colby moved his hand off of mine to catch the bottle and then moved his hand from my thigh. He then poured out two tablets and put them in my hand that wasn't holding my forehead up.

"Thank you," I said, to both Sam and Colby.

"No problem," Lexi and Colby said at the same time.

"Hey look you did it," I said before swallowing the meds.

"What? Oh the sync thing, still don't understand how you and Kris get it every time," Colby said laughing a little.

"It's okay none of us do," I said moving my eyes back to Colby and smiling a little.

"Agreed," Sam said, "here is the footage."

Sam when through the footage quickly before finding where he had heard the voice. He then backed it up just a little further and turned the volume all the way up.

"Here we go I guess," Sam said before hitting play.

Once Sam had hit play you hear Colby ending a dented with what sounded like, "you". Then a few seconds go by before you head a small, "let me."

"I heard it," I quickly said, "it sounded just like Astrid did, so gentle like."

Colby had thrown himself back in his chair out of shock and Sam just snapped his head at us with his jaw dropped.

"So it was her, told you to get out of the way Colby," Sam said with the same, I told you so, face again.

"Oh shut up," Colby said sitting back up.

"What?" I asked assuming I missed something.

"So when I heard this I told Colby to get out of the way, and he was all freaked out already and we got into it a little. But this just proves I wasn't insane and that it was a good thing to move," Sam replied quickly, not letting Colby speak.

"Then later on I heard the same voice and I just felt the need to just back up, like I was in the way," Colby said as soon as Sam stopped talking.

Sam quickly found were Colby had heard the voice and sure enough, we heard that one too. I was 100% sure that it was Astrid trying to help me find my way out.

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