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I froze for a second but quickly put my phone away when the hostess handed us our check. The boys fought over who should pay and I just smiled at them. Sam ended up paying and we all headed out to the car.

"How did you guys like the food?" Sam asked us while we were getting in the car.

"It was amazing!" I said, closing the car door.

"Agreed," Colby said rubbing his stomach.

"Glad everyone liked it, back to the hotel then?" Sam smiled at us before asking.

"I guess," Colby said he looked over at me.

"Okay, be there in like 15-20 minutes," Sam said backing up out of the parking spot.

"Hey, we are just going to get answers, and then leave right away, okay," I tried to reassure Colby, who looked unsure still, I grabbed his hand.

"I know, I just don't want anything to happen to us, especially you," he said lifting up my hand and giving it a light kiss.

"Love you," I whispered to him while I moved to the middle seat and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Love you too," he whispered back and kissed me on my forehead.

*time skip*

"Hey Lexi, we are here," Colby said shaking my leg lightly.

I yawned before siting up and stretching. I just gave Colby a little smile which he returned.

"Good morning, beautiful," Colby said causing me to blush, "how did you sleep?"

"Good, I don't even remember falling asleep," I said while grabbing my phone.

Colby gave me a little laugh before we left the car. We left our stuff in the car since we aren't planning on staying the night. Colby held my hand on our way in the hotel. I could feel every hair on my body stick up.

"You guys ready?" Sam asked us as we got to the door.

"Never," I answered.

"Not too late to turn back," Colby said laughing a little.

"No it's definitely too late," I said holding the door for Sam and Colby.

"Damn it," Colby said smiling at me and walking in.

"Can we start by the elevator?" I asked walking directly behind Colby's right arm.

The fear was starting to hit me and I started to latch onto Colby. He put his arm around me and made me feel safe.

"Yeah sure," Sam said leading us to the elevator.

"Are you okay?" Colby whispered while looking down at me.

"Starting to freak out a little but I'm okay right now," I said putting my hand on Colby's that was till wrapped around my side.

"It's okay I got you," he said making me smile, blush, and feel even safer. But there still was a voice in the back of my head telling me to be scared.

Sam talked to the desk lady who saw me fall the other day, and made sure we could film and investigate. She also said we were allowed to go in the basement we just needed to get an employee to take us down.

"All set," Sam said when he came back, "rem-pod?"

"Yeah, I say we also take out the EMF to see if anything is near Lexi," Colby said.

"Lexi, are you okay with that?" Sam asked while pulling out the rem-pod from his bag.

"Yes, I think that is a really good idea," I said leaning into Colby a little.

"Are we recording this?" Sam asked Colby and I.

"It's up to Lexi," Colby said after I looked up to him.

"I think we should record a little, but I think we will get answers faster without the cameras," I said looking back at Sam.

"Okay, I'll record for like 10min and then we can try to get answers without recording," Sam said pulling out the camera and a battery.

Colby and I stood there for a little while Sam set up his camera. He kept his arm around my waist and I just rested my head on his shoulder.

"You ready?" Colby asked me as he lightly set his head on mine.

"Yeah but, I'm really tired," I said yawning a little.

"Before we go in the basement, if we go in the basement, we can take a brake," Colby said kiss my forehead, "here let's sit."

"Okay," I replied and sat with Colby.

"Alright, I'm ready," Sam said adjusting himself to sit criss cross, "you two are good still?"

"Yes," I replied.

"Alright guys, we are back investigating still trying to find answers for what is happening with Lexi," Sam said to the camera.

"We are gonna give Lexi the EMF to see we if there is anything around her. We will have the rem-pod in front of us and we'll ask questions." Sam continued.

"Here Lexi," Sam said handing me the EMF.

"Thanks Sam," I said giving him a little smile.

I turned it on and set it on my leg closest to Colby. It was going of on the second green light and was extremely steady. Only blinking every once in a while.

Sam set the camera up against his bag and came over and sat next to Colby.

"Lexi do you want to go first?" Sam asked me.

"Sure," I paused, "is there something with us right now?"

The rem-pod quickly beeped.

"Are you the thing that has been messing with me?" I asked

Another quick beep.

"Is there something you want from me?" I asked

There was a pause, then a quicker beep then before. We all just looked at one another in silence.

"Are you evil?" Sam asked.

There was no beep.

"Are you a good spirit?"  Sam quickly asked.

Still no beep. I picked up the EMF and put it on my right side (opposite side of Colby) and quick curled into Colby. Fear flowing through my body.

"What's wrong?" Colby asked looking over at me, "what the fuck!"

"What?!" Sam said moving around trying to see why we were freaking out.

"The EMF is all the way up and it won't go down," I said hesitating to grab it and moved it around to see if it would change.

I moved the EMF closer to the guys and once it was above my left knee (closest to Colby) it dropped to yellow. I looked up at Colby whose jaw was slightly dropped.

I shifted my eyes to Sam who had the camera pointed at me. I continued moving the EMF towards the guys. Once it was almost hovering over Colby it completely stopped.

I moved it slowly back and it stayed at green until it was over my right knee. It jumped all the way up to yellow causing me to jump farther into Colby's side.

"Can you back away," I said quickly but nothing happened, "back away."

The EMF went back to the second red light. The rem-pod started going crazy and started flashing every color. I jumped back a little bit and Colby quickly but gently wrapped one of his arms around me again.

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