Sixteen: New Guys and Pancakes

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"NEW GUYS AND PANCAKES"———————————————

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Cali didn't know what it was about kitchens that attracted people she didn't feel like talking to.

Starting with this morning, if Cali knew Nicole was in the kitchen when she tried to leave, she would've tried to be more subtle with her exit. But instead of slipping out the door, she found herself to eating breakfast with the girl.

"Cali come sit!" Nicole spotted Calista in her not so subtle way, out the door.

Calista dreadfully turned around to join her out of respect for letting her stay over, but once she fully stepped into the kitchen, she spotted someone else sitting with Nicole.

He looked up with a pause, meeting his dark eyes with hers, "long night?"

"Huh?" his eyes flicked up her hair and she instantly understood, it most likely looked like a rats nest and on top of that she was still wearing the same clothes from last night, "Yeah you can say that." she fully joined them, grabbing a bagel before she sat down.

The conversation Nicole and the stranger were having died down completely, leaving Calista to feel curious in silence. After grabbing the spread and a knife she looked up in curiosity only to figure out he never looked away from her, this time his face held a sense of recognition paired with a smile—that he was doing a bad job hiding—She looked between him and Nicole, "do I know you?"

The smile that he tried sooo hard to hide took over his face, "No," he dragged out the word, "but I did watch your cover of Summer Nights and I gotta say I don't think that I'll ever forget it."

Calista felt her cheeks heat up at him mentioning her performance. "Glad you enjoyed it," the line came out way less confident than she would've liked so she focused on the bagel instead of his dark curls and weirdly symmetrical face.

Seeing her embarrassment, he continued to then mockingly sing her part, "Summer lovin', happened so fasssttt," she looked up to see him hold up an invisible microphone as he made his way across the kitchen to put his plate in the sink.

"Ok ok you can stop now before I scoop this onto your head," she chuckled but wasn't joking as she held up the container.

Nicole watched the two in amusement before she couldn't take the singing anymore, "Cali," she cut his mini performance off causing them to exchange looks along with Calista's grateful one, "meet Reed, my cousin."

Calista narrowed her eyes, looking between the two, it was then when she noticed their similar features. Reed was taller but they had the same complexion and a similar mid face. "I actually see the resemblance." the cousins laughed but she wasn't trying to be funny. Cali then turned toward the sink where he was leaning on watching her, "I've never seen you before."

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