Six: Lifeguard vs. Debutante

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where cali finally makes her decision.

a/n: commenting and voting helps me update and I love reading them, so pls don't be a ghost reader!!

Calista eyed the various paintings as she walked through the office. However, her attention was quickly drawn to a woman seated at a desk. The woman's tanned skin complemented her dark hair, neatly pinned with golden clips.

Clutching the letter tightly in her hand, Cali approached the woman, who was typing away on a computer. A quick glance at the name tag revealed the name 'Anne.' "Excuse me," Calista spoke up.

Anne looked up, offering Calista a warm smile, her eyes catching sight of the familiar debuntee letter in Cali's hand. "Oh, I'll take that, darling," she said, motioning for the letter.

"Thank you," Calista replied. She intended to ask about where to submit her other form but hesitated as she noticed Anne's expression change.

"Sweetie, did you check the wrong box?" Anne flipped the paper over, indicating that Calista had declined the debuntee ball.

"No, I'm returning my rejection," Calista clarified, meeting Anne's gaze firmly. "Isn't that what you're supposed to do?"

Anne's smile turned somewhat forced, and she seemed slightly offended. "Yes, sure," she responded, her tone sounding insincere. "I'll let them know."

"Okay, thanks," Calista said, feeling a bit awkward about the exchange.

Eager to get away, Calista spotted Jer along the way to the pool. "You know, this is a good time to have that conversation," she suggested.

Jer had been acting petty about Cam, and Calista knew it stemmed from jealousy. However, to everyone else, it probably just seemed like he was annoyed.

"It's only a good time for you. Also, I know where to put that," Jer replied, swiftly taking her lifeguard application out of her hands and walking away, expecting her to follow.

She let out a sigh, reluctantly following him. The idea of working in the scorching heat not being appealing.


"Cali it's too hot for this," Conrad protested. In reality he was complaining for the fun of it, he loved when she took him on little walks to absolutely nowhere. They would always end up somewhere, but there was never a set destination.

It was around this time when he started to realize his feelings for the girl were far beyond friendship, and it was both exhilarating and heart wrenching.

Conrad knew her knowing was inevitable, he couldn't hide his emotions forever, so he did what he could before he possibly ruined their friendship, spent as much time with Calista as possible.

"Stop complaining you big baby." Calista laughed, "I lost track of where we were fifteen minutes ago anyway," she admitted.

Conrad sent her a look then looked around for a place to sit down. "How about over... there," he pointed to a shaded area the top of a hill.

"Seems cozy," Calista agreed and started walking. It seemed to be a thing with them two, she was always walking off and no matter what Conrad would always follow.


After three hours filled with uniform sizing and initiation, Calista was exausted to say the least. The good news was she got to go home early.

Just as she was heading out, Jer offered to walk her because he was on his was to grab new towels. He never told her this, but knowing Calista she most likely would've gotten lost.

"Hey guys!" Sounding too enthusiastic to be a worker, Cali looked up to see Bells and immediately looked at Jer who she noticed looked absolutely whipped.

"Oh my- Belly I didn't even recognize you." He mused, towels in hand.

"Tell me the truth, do I look stupid in this?" Belly asked, mostly directing her question to Calista because she had the most sense out of them both.

"Personally not something I would choose," Cali said touching the pink hat sitting literally on top of her head, "but I get the whole debutante theme and going by that you look beautiful babe." She turned to Jer, "Don't you agree?"

That question made him a stuttering mess that Cali couldn't help but to laugh at. It gained her a quick glare from him, but she found it amusing.

Looking between the two, she decided it was a great time to let them be. "Well I'm heading out, but let's get ice cream later?" Cali asked Belly.

"Of course, yeah," she replied, but was still looking at Jer.

Taking that as more than a queue to leave again, Calista patted shirtless Jeremiah on the head, hugged Belly, then made her way to a nearby bench to wait.

She sat outside for about ten minutes waiting for her mom to pick her up, but when she got a text saying 'Here' it wasn't from who she was originally expecting, it was from Conrad.

"My fucking luck," she mumbled watching the car pull into the lot, and deciding to be the petty girl she was, she just ignored him.

Growing impatient, Conrad rolled down the window to grab her attention. "What are you doing?" He questioned sticking his hand out to make a hurry motion.

"Waiting for my ride." She replied simply looking down to her phone again.

"Just get in," he said annoyed, "I need to grab something for my mom on the way."

Cali wouldn't waste a second if it came to Susanna, it was probably the only thing Conrad could have said to get her into the car.

During the silent car ride, both teens couldn't stop but wonder if things would ever be the same between them again.


my note: summer is almost over and I kinda want to cry lol.

- when calista used to walk him like a dog literally
-finally i'm able to add some stuff that will make sense later on.
- also to make it clear, text in italics are memories mostly exclusive to conrad and calista.

any predictions, suggestions or comments? I would love to hear them please don't be a ghost reader!!

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