Seven: Majority Rules

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MAJORITY RULES———————————————aka

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aka. where Cali counts as three votes..?

a/n: commenting and voting helps me update and I love reading them, so pls don't be a ghost reader!!

If Calista getting water is all it took for Jeremiah to become surprisingly bold, she would've walked to a fountain a week before.

She knew stepping out to grab a drink wasn't the cause but you get the vision.

Walking in to see Jeremiah spinning Belly around, and saying the words, "you look hot." Without stuttering or looking awkward was surprising to say the least.

She felt oddly proud, but at the same time disappointed. It was a little too late for him to finally try with Belly who was basically going on a date with Cam Cameron in the next few hours.

"Hey hey hey stop flirting with my sister." Steven accused occupied with a game him, Conrad, and previously Jeremiah were playing.

Calista walked over to see the game, "shut up it's cute," she grinned nudging him, but when she did she spilled a bit of water on his shirt. "Oops?"

"What the hell!" Steven stood up jokingly, "that was on purpose!"

Conrad nudged him, "Dude sit down I can't play by myself.

"What?" Calista sarcastically dragged it out and backed away knowing what was coming.

Steven exchanged his remote for his water that was sitting on the coffee table, "come here Calista."

"Oh shit." She laughed and ran, but right into Jeremiah. "Bye Bells! Have fun at the drive in!"

"Drive in?" She could hear Jeremiah ask Bells.

"Bye Cali!"


Calista eyed Conrad from across the room. She noticed the increase in drinking and all of these habits that came out of nowhere to her. She might be upset with him but she still cared.

They were at Laurel's book signing, and Calista decided that people watching on the couch while sipping on lemonade would be the way she entertained herself.

She spent hours helping for the setup and then taking to adults that claimed they knew her when she was two feet tall. She figured she was due for a break.

On the other side of the room she saw Laurel talking to an older man. He wasn't ugly and Calista thought she could use some—

"Conrad!" She watched Laurel point to him. "Come over here."

She would admit she was nosy, but when she lip read Conrad's a big alien, she decided it was better not to try anymore and attempt to sleep.

Eyes closed and mid sip, she felt the couch droop next to her, "I see you've been eying someone this whole time." She would've rolled her eyes if they were open, Only Jeremiah.

"My eyes are closed." She said plainly.

"Not a few minutes ago when you were starring at my brother." Jeremiah said, moving to make himself comfortable on the couch.

"You're one to talk," she leaned her head towards him with her eyes still closed, "speaking of talking—"

"No, it's not even anything." He said waiting for a response, but she just sipped her drink. "Cali." Nothing. "Ok fine, I got a little jealous and it showed." Jeremiah whispered. "You happy?"

"You sure it was a little?"

He ignored that, "it's just that I really like her but she's going on drive in dates with different guys, and don't get me started on her and Conrad—"

"Her and Conrad?" She opened her eyes. What the hell was going on with Belly and Conrad?

"Oh," Jer's movements started to get awkward, "nevermind, if she didn't tell you it's probably nothing."

Cali's eyebrows furrowed, "later, but what we need to focus on is the plan." She would've pressed more, but this conversation was about Jeremiah not her.

Jeremiah raised his eyebrows, "what plan?"

She looked at him like he was clueless, "your plan to pull Belly, I'm your wingwoman so I'm inclined to make a plan."

"Yeah," he shook his head chuckling, "Right."

"What are you laughing about?" Steven came to sit next to Jeremiah which attracted Conrad to their couch spot pretty fast.

Calista and Conrad made eye contact for what felt like forever to her, but in reality it was three seconds.

It reminded her of the past when they could communicate without words and always knew what the other was thinking. She wondered if he knew what she was thinking currently.

She was the first to break eye contact, looking down to take another sip of lemonade.

"Scoot." Conrad told her moving his hand in a shooing motion to the side but she rolled her eyes in response then leaned her head back again to sleep again.

Based on what age heard, he ended up sitting on the arm of the couch, "This shit is so boring, can we go somewhere?"

"Where?" Steven questioned, doing whatever on his phone.

"To town?" Her suggested, "we could buy some weed from that guy with the rainbow dash tattoo?"

"Didn't he get arrested last summer?" She asked. She was bored out of her mind and they weren't helping.

"Yeah," Conrad replied.

Steven sighed, but Calista had an idea.

Lifting her head back up, she turned to look at Jer, "we could go to the drive in."

"No way," Jer shut it down, "I don't want to watch Belly make out with some random guy in the back of a minivan."

Steven smirked at her then Conrad, "I'm down for the drive in."

She then shot up receiving surprised looks from the boys. Likely because she was a minute away from falling asleep a second before, "majority rules let's go."

"Wha— Cali, that's not how majority works," Jer protested.

"I'm literally worth at least three votes," Calista told them like it was the most obvious thing in the world. She talked again before he could argue with her, "to the drive in we go."


- staying up till three to watch the new season of hsmtmts will definitely come back to bite me tmr morning.

- also cali is starting to figure out more and more so I love how that's going to play out.

any predictions, suggestions or comments? I would love to hear them please don't be a ghost reader!!

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