Seventeen: The 4th Confession

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"THE 4TH CONFESSION"---------------

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Not much time has passed since Conrad started his 'get Calista back' plan, and she was already growing suspicious.

First it started with him going to her favorite place to grab her breakfast. He made it a point to hand her a croissant with more than familiar packaging, a gesture that seemed to bring back memories them and leave her questioning his intentions.

Then he sat right next to her, even nudging her knee with his as they all ate breakfast, a deliberate closeness that bordered on invasive, stirring up a greater mixture of nostalgia and confusion within Calista.

Now he was volunteering to help her make the guest bedroom for Belly's dad and his dad's girlfriend. (long story).

Calista knew that Conrad had never been one for chores or family obligations lately. His sudden enthusiasm for helping out was as baffling as it was unexpected. Yet, there he was, smoothing out the sheets with surprising skill as he carefully arranged the pillows on the freshly made bed. It was as if he was determined to prove something to her, though Calista couldn't quite guess what that something might be.

The fact it was the 4th of July made the Cousins Beach air buzz with excitement and anticipation. Flags fluttered in the breeze, and the distant crackle of fireworks echoed through the neighborhood. The sun beat down, casting a warm glow over everything, as if the day itself was celebrating. But she know that couldn't be it.

Conrad and Calista worked side by side, folding sheets and fluffing pillows in the guest bedroom, a comfortable rhythm settled between them. It was a far difference from the awkwardness that had plagued their interactions in recent days, replaced instead by a sense of closeness.

Conrad's sleeves were rolled up, revealing the faint sheen of sweat on his brow as he worked diligently, his movements precise and focused. Calista couldn't help but steal glances at him when he wasn't looking, admiring the way the sunlight caught the strands of his hair and the curve of his jawline.

Their conversation flowed effortlessly, punctuated by shared memories and inside jokes that seemed to bridge the gap between them. With each passing moment, the tension that had once lingered between them melted away, replaced instead by a growing sense of ease and familiarity.

As they smoothed out the final wrinkles in the freshly made bed, Conrad stole a sideways glance at Calista, his eyes softening with unspoken affection. It was a moment suspended in time, a fleeting glimpse of the connection they had once shared and the possibility of what could be."We both know I didn't volunteer just to help you make a bed," Conrad remarked, his voice gentle yet tinged with a hint of playfulness as he sat on the finished bed. "I've been wanting to talk to you forever."

Calista followed him, sitting down next to him.Her gaze met his with a mixture of curiosity and anticipation. Like she had predicted, there was more to Conrad's sudden eagerness to help than met the eye, and now, as they stood face to face, she couldn't ignore the tension that crackled between them.

"Is that why you insisted on helping me instead of Belly? She did give me a pancake apology," Calista replied, her tone light but tinged with a hint of teasing.

Calista's question hung in the air, a thread of curiosity along with a hint of suspicion. As she watched Conrad's reaction, she couldn't help but notice the subtle tightening of his jaw, the way his gaze momentarily flickered, betraying his intention to keep his emotions beneath the surface.

His fingers absently traced the pattern on the bedsheet, a nervous energy coursing through him, while his gaze remained fixed on some distant point, as if lost in a sea of conflicting thoughts.

"I mean, I did tell her off at that party if that helps," Calista offered, her voice light but teasing. She nudged him with her shoulder, a silent invitation for him to share his thoughts.

Conrad's tension eased slightly at Calista's touch, the warmth of her proximity a balm to his troubled soul.

He glanced at her, his eyes softening with a mixture of gratitude and amusement. "Yeah I heard something about that," Conrad's lips quirked into a smile at her remark, his gaze softening, "The night of our sleepover right?"

Calista nodded, a soft chuckle escaping her lips like a fleeting breeze. The memory of that night danced between them, letting them share a flicker of warmth.

They both fell into another comfortable silence, only to be interrupted by the soft rustle of fabric as Calista leaned her shoulder into Conrad's. Sensing her proximity, Conrad instinctively inclined his head towards hers. He missed her laughter, but it was more like he missed laughing with her. So much that he found himself on the edge of confession.

In a voice barely above a whisper, Conrad's words lingered in the air, tinged with a hint of vulnerability. "I know we can't go back in time," he paused, "but I want to know everything I missed," he confessed, his nerves palpable despite his attempt to mask them.

Calista stayed silent.

Conrad's courage swelled within him. With newfound determination, he lifted his gaze to meet hers, his voice a gentle murmur meant for her ears alone. "I really miss you. I miss Bambi, our secret meetings, everything," Conrad admitted, his sincerity echoing in the tender space between them.

Calista's gaze met Conrad's with an intensity that sent a rush of warmth flooding through her veins. In that moment, she realized how much she felt the same, and it was scary. It was scary that after everything that happened, she could still feel the same way about him that she did the summer before.

Both of them were closer than ever, but they didn't mind.

Their eyes locked, a silent conversation passing between them as they leaned in, their breaths mingling in the space between them. With a gentle touch, Conrad cupped Calista's cheek, his thumb tracing the curve of her jawline, sending shivers down her spine.

Who initiated the final movement would remain unknown, Yet, in that brief instant of contact, their worlds collided. Her lips met his in a tender embrace. It was a kiss filled with longing and reassurance, a promise of all the words left unspoken. In that moment, time seemed to stand still as they lost themselves in the warmth of each other's embrace.

"Guys!" A series of knocks on the door followed Steven's voice. It startled them both, causing the two to pull away rapidly, "They're here!"

Breathless and flushed, Conrad's forehead pressed against Calista's, their hearts beating in sync. In the quiet aftermath, they shared a smile which turned into nervous laughs, "I also missed this," Conrad murmured, his voice a gentle caress against her skin, as they lingered in the quiet space between words, had they finally found their way back?

Calista stood up, taming her curls the best she could with her fingers, "Come on, let's go.

- so american by olivia rodrigo is stuck in my head

- lol its been awhile so hey

- come on, lets go by tyler the creator

commenting and voting reallyy helps with updating so thank you to everyone who has been

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