'~ Chapter 13 - sugar ~'

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"Morning Neil." Todd said blearily to his roommate. 

"Morning." Neil mumbled as he frantically through his closet. 

Todd yawned loudly- "What's going on?"

"I completely forgot- I don't even know how- I have my first rehearsal today, I need my consent form- Ah! found it!" 

"When's the rehearsal?" 

"Ten o'clock."

"You're gonna be late-" Todd motioned to the clock, which read '9:47'.

"I know, I know." Neil rushed around the room gathering his things. 

"Ride safe!" Todd called as Neil ran out the door. 


Neil absolutely rode like the wind, he reached the school at 10:08 by his watch, far too late for his liking. He rushed in the door and found the rest of the cast sitting in a circle on the stage. 

"Hey Neil!" Dione stood up and waved. 

"Hi! Sorry I'm late." he apologized to the group. 

"That's alright, you do have a bit of a trip to make. Do you have your form?" Duffy asked.

"Oh! yes, it's right here-" Neil nervously ruffled in his bag, before handing the paper to Duffy. 

"Alright, let's begin shall we?" Ms. Finch called- "Now we won't be doing much actual rehearsing this time, as it's our first rehearsal we'll focus more on getting to know each other. Miss Thompson will take over from here."

"Alright everyone! I want you to turn to a person that you've never spoken to before, introduce yourself, your role, one thing you love, and one thing you hate. You can have a little chat too if you'd like." she added with a cheeky smile. 

Neil coincidentally ended up turning to Ginny Danburry. 

"Hi, I'm Neil Perry, I'll be playing puck. Oh and I love poetry and hate itchy blankets!" 

"Hi, I'm Ginny Danburry, I'm gonna be Hermia. I love reading and I hate homework." she said shyly. 

"Your brother is Chet Danburry right?"

"That's right. You're a Welton boy? Chet went there, but he didn't get high enough grades so he got sent to public school."

"Wow way to call him out." Neil joked.

From there they rotated a few times, eventually they reached the final pairings. 

"Well, fancy seeing you here." Dione joked. 

"Hey stranger." Neil Joked back.

"Allow me to introduce myself! I am Dione Hawthorne, I will be your stage manager. I love music, and hate un-glazed pottery." she said in a mock-posh accent, to which Neil laughed. 

"Un-glazed pottery huh?" 

"Oh don't even get me started, I'll never stop. It's disgusting." 

"I'll just have to take your word for it!"

There was a pause as the activity ended, it was around lunch time at this point so the teachers decided to let them go home.

"So dinner tonight right? How are you getting there?"

"I'm actually not too sure, my parents aren't going so I guess I just figured I'd get a lift from the school." 

"I can give you a lift, my dad can call the school to say that we've got you."

Pink Camelia - Neil Perry x Reader/OCWhere stories live. Discover now