'~ Chapter 16 - banana split ~'

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Using a mbfiav picture because that movie is actually the best thing ever (it's terrible but I love it)


after a long week of grueling classes the boys had finally found themselves with some downtime. The majority were planning their latest late-night escapade in the cave, Knox had scored himself an invite to a party at Chris's place, and Neil was headed over to Dione's for the day.

"So, you ready for your date?" Charlie teasingly poked Neil in the side as he checked his reflection in the bathroom mirror for what Charlie could have sworn was the hundredth time.

"Charlie I told you it's not a date-"

"And what would she say if I asked her what it was?"

Neil spluttered for a second before deciding that it would do him better to stay silent.

Eventually Knox groggily shuffled his way in, placing both hands on the sides of the sink, and taking a deep breath.

"You alright Knoxious? You're lookin' a little green around the gills." Charlie inquired, shifting his focus

Knox simply huffed in response.

"Someone's nervous."

"Oh says you Neil."

The boys continued to bicker playfully until having to go their separate ways.


Neil pulled up to the Hawthornes' at 12:00 by his watch. Making his way up the front steps and knocking on the door, he was greeted by a squealing Bella.

"HE'S HERE! Hi Neiilll!!" Neil had the feeling that she knew exactly why he was here.

"BELLA LEAVE- hi Neil!" Dione not-so-gently shoved her sister aside to greet him.

"Hey!" Neil grinned giddily before enveloping Dione in a hug both bone crushing and unbelievably gentle.

As Neil entered the house two things instantly became clear. Dione's parents definitely knew what was going on between them, the two of them were sitting on the couch looking rather amused, Mrs. Hawthorne in particular had her eyes locked in on Neil's hand, which had made it's way into Dione's.

The second thing though, was that the Hawthornes were more than happy to welcome Neil to the family.
Neil felt at ease in the Hawthornes' home, they were such welcoming people in general, and the house reflected that attitude, with clutter scattered all over the place, clashing wonderfully with the warm cozy tones of the rest of the house.

Neil felt at home.


"Hurry up! They'll be closed by the time we get there!" Dione picked up the pace as the pair made their way down the footpath.

"Di relax, you said they close at 2."

"It's a country town Neil they close when they feel like it! Now hurry up I want some banana split!"

Neil begrudgingly broke into a slight jog. The pair made it to the small cafe, which looked nowhere near closed, but Neil chose not to bring that up as Dione's eyes were lit up like Christmas had come early.

Pink Camelia - Neil Perry x Reader/OCWhere stories live. Discover now