'~ Epilogue ~'

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"Morning beautiful." 

"Mmmfgh- five more minutes." 

"Come on Di, I've got something fun planned." 

Dione rolled over to come face to face with a beaming Neil. 

"What do you mean you've got something planned? We both have work today." 

"Nope." Neil beamed more- "I cancelled for you." 

"But the kids have a test coming up-" 

"They'll be fine without you for one class honey. Now come on." 

Dione dragged herself from the bed, pulling on some nice clothes. 

"What about you? Don't you have a rehearsal today?" 

"Cancelled that to!" Neil was practically shivering with excitement as Dione made her way to the door. 

Neil opened the car door for Dione, who gave him a peck on the cheek in return. Neil placed a hand gently on her thigh as the pair drove for a few hours. 

They eventually reached their destination- a very familiar street.

"Do you know where we are?" Neil asked with a smile.

Dione nodded in awe as the pair walked down a familiar beaten up walking trail.

They emerged in the flower field. 

Dione laughed and beamed as she danced around the field that she hadn't seen in about six years now. Her attention was then caught by Neil watching her with a huge goofy grin plastered on his face.

She approached him at his spot beneath the old tree. She then noticed something in his hand. A pink camelia.

"I have something for you." he beamed.

"Is it that flower?" Dione laughed.

"Well, yes. But I have something else too." 

"And what's that?" Dione's heart began to thump heavily in her chest- was this what she thought it was?

"Dione Hawthorne. I've loved you for a long time. Which is honestly the biggest understatement of the millennia. You saved me. There is no one I'd rather spend my life with than you." Neil fumbled for something in his pocket- "I know you've always said that words mean more that objects, but I thought that it was worth getting anyway."

He then pulled out the most gorgeous ring that Dione had ever laid eyes on. The swirling gold band was studded with glimmering green gems. Dione's eyes began to prickle with tears.

"Dione Hawthorne, will you-?"

Dione cut Neil off by crashing her lips to his. The pair remained intertwined for a while before Neil broke away.

"So is that a yes?" 

Dione laughed- "Of course it is." 

The pair left the flower field feeling lighter than air, giggling and chattering like they had all those years ago.

Dione Hawthorne was an adventurous woman, and practically attached to her hip was her best friend in the whole wide world, and fiancee, Neil Perry. 


And that concludes this story that I honestly should've finished ages ago. I really hope you enjoyed it, and that it didn't feel too rushed. I have a whole bunch of other works that you can take a look at- unfortunately they are all star wars related, but if that's your jam feel free to check them out.

I hope you enjoyed, and thank you so much. Peace and love <3

Pink Camelia - Neil Perry x Reader/OCWhere stories live. Discover now