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cold meal

The sun began to rise and illuminate the classroom.

It was a chilly day in the school, yet the windows were open, letting the cold air into the classroom.

Yokai was sitting on a classroom table with a lollipop in her mouth.

Her two other friends were with her, and Riki soon arrived.

"Oh." said Yokai, removing the lollipop from her mouth. "The most beautiful is here."

Riki smiled at her before placing a kiss on her head.

"Can I have one too ?" He asked, pointing to the lollipop.

Yokai nodded, then climbed down from her table to her bag.

"So, Riki, what are your New Year's resolutions ?" asked one of Yokai's girl friends.

Riki sat down on a table near to the blackboard and said, as he put his phone away, "I don't really know, a good note ?"

Yokai laughed, "You never cared about classes. Why should that change this year ?" then she handed him his lollipop.

He started to open it and put it in his mouth, "I'd like to know what it feels like to get a good grade."

The three girls laughed and Yokai sat down next to Riki.

"What about you ?" he stroked Yokai's back as she turned the lollipop in his mouth. "What are your good resolutions ?"

Yokai climbed down from her table, a smile on her lip before picking up a piece of chalk and starting to write on the board.

Riki was swinging his legs and turning the lollipop in his mouth when he was able to read the whole sentence.

"Get the disabled out of here."

"You're so right, Yokai !" said one of her girl friends as she too climbed down from her table. She picked up a piece of chalk and began writing words all over the board.

Her other friend soon joined them and Riki was still sat on his table watching the three girls write things on the board.

They laughed as they read what the others had written, and Yokai turned to Riki, "Come." as she handed him a piece of chalk.

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