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The bell rang and everyone put their things away, in far too much of a hurry to go and eat.

But Miyuki remained seated in her chair, waiting patiently for everyone to leave so she could begin her meal.

She ate all the time in this class now. She just hoped Yokai or Riki wouldn't come back and steal her food.

She was about to open her mouth and take her first bite of meat when, out of the corner of her eye, she saw Riki, leaning his shoulder against the doorframe, arms crossed over his chest.

"I'll avoid going in through the window this time." he laughed and walked over to Miyuki, who put down her chopsticks.

Miyuki smiled slightly, a little stressed that she wouldn't be able to eat again this lunchtime.

You were nice to me yesterday.

So can you be today too ?

You're not going to steal my lunch Riki ?

"Relax, I'm not going to take it from you." Riki pulled up a chair to put it in front of Miyuki's table.

After hearing this, she quickly picked up her chopsticks to eat her piece of chicken.

"I'd like us to start working now." said Riki, also taking out his meal.

Miyuki dropped her shoulders, blowing slightly, and picked up her slate.

"We've just done 2 hours of math, so let me rest a little."

Riki shook his head and closed his eyes. "We don't have time for that, you don't realize how much work goes into an oral."

Riki stole a piece of chicken from Miyuki's meal, then took out a sheet of paper to start working.

"What kind of conspiracy theory do you want to do, Miyuki ?"

The girl picked up her pen again, her mouth still full of food, and began to write several lines of what she wanted to do.

"Reptilians, yes that could be interesting."

The two began to work and write their oral.

Every time Miyuki wanted to say something, she picked up her pen to write down everything she wanted to tell him.

"Don't you mind writing down what you want to say all the time ?" asked Riki suddenly.

Miyuki looked up at the boy in front of her. He had his elbows on the table and was looking into her eyes.

"No it doesn't bother me, I've been doing this forever and I'll be doing it all my life."

He wasn't really convinced by her answer, he knew very well that Miyuki would like to talk normally with everyone.

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