somewhere in tuscany

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d e l i c a t e

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d e l i c a t e


nobody's heard from me for months
i'm doing better than i ever was

.҉     .҉   

"HOW MANY TIMES have you watched Glee, now?" Davide asks, hovering behind the couch.

"This month or in my life?" I ask, turning my head a little to look up at him.

"The fact you need to ask tells me enough," he says, putting in his headphones. He's wearing exercise gear so he's about to go workout. In the beginning, he would ask if I wanted to join but after so many declines he's given up. 

My mama and Davide got married when I was young, she split from my dad before I was even born but they were always pretty civil, I think. We've had Christmas and birthday dinners all together. My dad brings Geri, Bluebell and their kids together and sometimes my mama and Davide bring Davide's son, Luca.

 There's footsteps behind me, I don't put the effort into turning to see who it was.

"Juni why are you watching more Glee?" I hear my mama ask. "Did you look at the Twitter again?"

"No," I lie. I have been, obsessively. I haven't posted anything since Abu Dhabi and haven't really spoken to anyone since then, too. We were breaking into spring and I've been completely avoiding reentering society. I feel bad for avoiding everyone and everything. I know I can't hide forever but I want to. When Christmas and the New Year came and went, I couldn't find it in me to answer my closest friends sending me texts to wish me well. I've tried to call Nora and Keeley once a week, and when I don't, they send me a plethora of texts telling me how much they miss me, I don't usually respond.

The only person I've answered has been Charles.

He texted me on Christmas Eve to ask me how I was doing, and in the moment, I was doing good. I was getting wine drunk with my mama and some of her retired model friends, and when they saw that the "cute little Monagasque driver" had personally messaged me even while I was hibernating, they pestered me until I sent him one back. I'm glad I did, it was nice having a conversation with someone who wasn't family for once.


charles leclerc
hi june, just wanted to wish you
a happy christmas, i know you had
to deal with a lot lately. i hope that
you're feeling better :)

and my offer to hit jack auclair
with my car still stands, just so
you know.

hey charles! happy christmas!
 i've been staying with family in
italy so i am feeling better
recently. thanks for reaching
out that was really sweet :)
my mama and all of her friends
want you to know that they say
hello and they'll be praying for
you to win some races next year lol

delicate - charles leclercWhere stories live. Discover now