12. Rules

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One thing I realised in the morning was that I was alone in this bed. I assumed our rooms were different and he would only come if he wanted to procreate.

That's not a problem for me. I can have this room to myself. The visits will also stop when I'm pregnant, right? Meaning I'll be free of that monster for a few months. The problem is when will I get pregnant so I can be free from duty.

God, I didn't know that one day sex would become a chore instead of something I wanted to do because I wanted to.

The second thing I realised was that every joint in my body was screaming when I woke up this morning.

I don't feel better physically or emotionally. I just feel hungrier than yesterday. It's time to wander around with the ultimate goal of finding food in the kitchen.

The story about the house on the other side of the wall containing rich people seems to be true. I've never seen it in person, only heard gossip from people in the market, but I can imagine that the house would be like this. No, no. It will definitely be like this.

Two long sofas faced each other on a carpet that would definitely be as soft as a cloud under my feet. There is a fireplace next to the sofa. There is a lamp hanging in the middle of the room with large windows around it so that sunlight fills the room. Filled with objects I have never seen before, nor do I want to predict the price. The problem with all these objects is that they are white.

I really believe Zorion has his own obsession with white.

My hand opened the door which turned out to be a dining room when seen from the long table with many chairs around it. On the dining table there was food that had been served and it was immediately greeted by my stomach rumbling due to the aroma and color. Fruits that are very expensive in the market are also on the table. I had to restrain myself so that my saliva wouldn't drip when I saw the amount of food served. My eyes stopped wondering when they saw blue. In contrast to the overall room which is predominantly white and brown wood, blue will clearly stand out.

Xander was at the head of the dining table, sitting with his arms folded across his chest and his eyes staring at me intently. My body moved without being commanded to step back and close the door. Before my escape mission was fully accomplished, his voice echoed in the silent room.

"Sit down." His voice gave absolute command. I actually wanted to fight back by closing the door, but my stomach was too hungry to find trouble with an alien with a sour face.

In yesterday's video, no one said that it would be strange to meet someone you share intimate things with the next day. Because this feels really awkward. I didn't dare look Xander in the eye, and my head was busy staring at the floor as I walked unsteadily. To be safe, I put one bench distance between mine and Xander's seat.

The grapes were the first to enter my mouth. It was bigger than my eyeballs with a green color and sweet that exploded in my mouth after the first bite. My surroundings became blurry and my focus was only on putting in another grape. The second fruit that entered my mouth was a strawberry that I had only seen in the picture that Mother showed me in an old story book.

I only stopped chewing when my stomach could no longer be filled. My awareness of my surroundings also only returned when I heard a groan from an alien that I had forgotten existed.

"I need to go over the rules here." Xander said while looking at me sharply, while I was only able to catch a glimpse of his eyes before my focus shifted to his forehead which was covered in loose strands of hair. "You are free to go anywhere, including outside the house. Meal times are at seven in the morning and seven in the evening. You must be here at that hour. You can ask the waiter who comes every day for lunch."

Oh? I had imagined being under house arrest. Didn't think that Xander would give me freedom, even though with the meal times he gave and his insistence that I had to be at the dinner table, that meant I had a curfew.

However, this is a much better option. At least I can erase my bad thoughts about being tied up in my room.

"Does that mean I can go to my mother's house?" Hope bloomed in my chest. Even though we don't live together, I can at least see my mother every few days.

Xander nodded. "You can ask the waiter to call a driver to take you there."

Huh? Isn't this a little too easy?

"As long as I leave after seven in the morning and come home before seven in the evening?" I have to make sure again to erode my doubts. So my hopes aren't too high.

Again Xander nodded.

"Every day?" I asked doubtfully. I don't want to sound like I'm asking for too much, but if it's okay, why not, right?

This time Xander's eyebrows almost knit together. "Don't push your luck, woman." He snarled at me. Xander drank water from the crystal glass in his right hand. "According to our agreement, food and energy have been sent to your mother. Since there was no electricity there, we used Zorion technology temporarily."

I don't want to ask about the technology used, all I want to hear is that you can use the food and energy. Apart from that I don't care about technology from any planet or even from hell.

"You have your own room. For clothes or items you need, you can ask the waiter. For children, I want at least three. After that we can divorce and you will receive enough alimony to last you a lifetime. You can't contact my children forever. After the first child is born, you will be placed in different homes." Xander closed his explanation calmly.

I'm quite happy about the alimony part, but I'm a little doubtful about the part about not being able to meet the child I'm carrying. Also with the way Xander says "my children" as if he gave birth to them alone.

Ugh, now I'm even annoyed for the child who isn't in my stomach yet. I can think about that later.

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