15. Is He Being Kind?

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I managed to smuggle food out of Xander's house for three weeks. I would go to the slums in the morning after breakfast and give the food to hungry children. I don't know what day it was until finally the number of children who came together became very large.

"What is this?" One innocent question was said by one of the children while I was waiting for their food to finish while reading. Then it turned into a study session. I even had to bring a small mirror and marker that I stole from Xander's house to the place where we gathered so that the children could see clearly.

We spend time until lunch before I go home or go to Mom's house every two or three days.

During that time, Xander didn't visit me. We only met at the dinner table in the morning and evening. Which is a good thing, because my busy schedule makes me too tired to do anything after dinner other than shower. I will fall asleep immediately after my stomach is filled and my body is clean.

Xander and I didn't open our mouths other than to eat and the only thing that filled the room was the sound of cutlery clashing. It was silence that I never got when I was with Mom because we would exchange lots of stories, but I was starting to get used to the silence that stretched between Xander and me. And I don't feel like I have to fill the void between us.

I really want to sleep, especially today. So, I quickly finished my meal. "I'm tired," I said to Xander who was still in his seat even though his food had finished earlier.

My feet took big, fast steps. Every step seemed to want to precede each other until finally I arrived at the bathroom in my room. I was halfway through taking off my t-shirt when my bathroom door opened wide.

My midsection caught Xander's attention and I gulped hard. He walked quickly and forcibly pulled my t-shirt until it lay on the floor. His green eyes scanned every inch of my skin that was visible with furrowed brows and a clenched jaw as they stopped at my different coloured skin.

"Why are you bruised? You are also limping, you have been walking normally for almost three weeks. Xander demanded my answer.

With our positions facing each other and the tips of our toes touching, I needed to look up while he looked down so that our eyes met. Which is a bad idea because the intensity of his gaze actually makes it difficult for me to find the right answer he wants to hear, not an honest answer.

As if he could read my mind, Xander said again, "Don't you dare to lie."

It was clearly a warning that sent shivers down my spine.

Xander's hand was holding my elbow, even if I tried to pull my arm it was useless. Xander's hand held me firmly and his strength was much stronger than mine.

I had no other choice but to give an answer. "A man grabbed my hand as I was leaving earlier." Is the short answer, the full answer is that a group of men stopped our study time because they thought it was useless and a waste of time. It's better for the children to work to earn money, instead of relaxing with me and eating without working.

Xander turned me around and this time his voice was much rougher and colder. "Then why is your back bruised too?"

I closed my eyes tightly before answering. "Someone hit me with a stick." This happened when I tried to protect the child by hugging him before the blow landed on the little head.

"This is related to the food you give every morning?"

Oh? Does he know about me stealing food from his house? I'm in big trouble.

I nodded once. I'd better be honest because I don't know as much as Xander knows about my activities.

"Drop your pants. Let me see another wound."

I obeyed and lowered my pants without much protest. Easily, Xander lifted me onto the counter and stood between my legs. His hands lifted both legs and examined them one by one. Both of them had wounds on their knees because I fell earlier. The blood is no longer coming out, but it hurts when I bend while walking. Maybe he realised this.

If looks could kill, I'd be six feet under now. Xander's jaw was very tight and the veins in his neck were bulging out.

"Finish your shower," he said simply and just left the bathroom. I, who didn't want to provoke his anger any further, immediately followed orders without wasting time.

With a towel wrapped around my body, I came out and immediately faced Xander who was sitting on the bed.

Uh-oh, does he want to procreate today? I can just stay still like yesterday while enduring the pain in my legs.

"Towel off," Xander said.

I couldn't possibly refuse because he had long been aware that my legs were no longer limp, but remained silent and didn't demand anything. He also knew about the food I stole but didn't protest.

I didn't care anymore about being embarrassed, after all he had seen me naked before. This is no different at all. My hands untied the knot holding my towel across my chest and threw it on the nightstand beside the bed. After this I will shower again.

I walked past Xander and lay down on the bed with my fingers intertwined over my stomach. My eyes closed while preparing myself for whatever happened. On the third breath I said, "Okay, I'm ready."

The bed next to me squeezed as it took Xander's weight. What I felt next was something cold touching my bruised arm and making my eyes open as fast as lightning.

Xander rubbed the purple balm on my lips slowly. He did it immaculately and moved to the other injured arm then he sat between my legs and rubbed it on my knee. His eyes never stray anywhere aside the wound.

"Sit down, so I can rub the wound on your back. You have to wait for it to dry before you can lie down again."

I, who was still in a daze and still couldn't grasp what was happening, just followed like a robot. Xander sat behind me and applied slowly, in contrast to his large body and the strong and rough impression I had in my head, he did it very gently.

"Wear something big to sleep for now." Xander gave me a very large t-shirt. Xander's scent lingered on the sheet and made me believe it was his.

I slipped my head and arms into my t-shirt when Xander said "If you want to use the ointment again, you can come to my room. Don't think we're done, tomorrow morning we'll talk about this."


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