28. Sleeping Arrangements

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I never thought sleeping with someone could make me relax. I learned that humans like to cuddle or snuggle, and it blew my mind how annoying it would be to have someone clinging to you even in your sleep. I'm not the kind to let other people into my space; I like my solitude too much.

But here I am, having the little demi-human in my arms nestled against my neck and taking a long breath in her sleep. Her feet are intertwined with mine, as if she didn't want to let me go. I drank in her feminine scent hungrily, then dropped a couple of kisses on her shoulder, making her stir and mumble something incoherent in her sleep.

I like Aira in my personal space; specifically at my bed. Sleeping peacefully and clinging to me unconsciously. I like having her challenge me. I like that she keeps me on my toes and keeps surprising me with everything she does. She is the anomaly I want to learn.

I suppressed anger when I heard about her future plans but said nothing about it. She is dead wrong if she thinks I will let another man take what is mine. I never claimed a woman as mine before Aira, but the urgency to stake a claim on her is eating me from inside.

My teeth graze the inside of her lower arm and suck the soft skin.



"Where do you think you are going?"

My body collapsed onto the bed after taking one step away from it. Xander is still sleeping peacefully, and I need to bask in shame for what I did on top of him last night. All I could think about was how good it felt to hold so much power over the feared general while his eyes devoured me. But in the morning, shame crushed me, and my face heated with embarrassment.

"Xander's eyes opened, and he sounded annoyed.

"Go back to my room. We will have breakfast in 30 minutes." He looked at me without saying a word, making me stutter. "I need to take a bath and do things."

"Do it here. I have a bathroom."

I bit my lips, trying to pick words that had scattered in my brain after I woke up and realized I didn't want to leave his room. I enjoyed his body heat that engulfed me. It scared the hell out of me because I usually don't want to be in the same room as him for more than two meals a day.

And now? I drooled at the sight of Xander under the white sheet, covered only from his hips. My eyes raked his sculpted body, and I held my hand so it did not uncover something down there that was standing with all of its glory.

"I don't want to get used to this." I pointed at both of us. "I will leave this house after giving birth. Let's stick to that plan." Xander already makes his point and I must abide by his rules.

I need to look out for myself, so the only thing I fell for was desire, not love, with thealien.

Xander didn't say anything, so I took it as my cue to leave. I dragged my feet until I got to my room. I needed to take a bath and rinse Xander's scent from my skin. I dropped the shirt on the floor and walked to the shower, but my step halted when I saw my reflection in the mirror. My upper arms were filled with bruises. It didn't stop there; my chest and neck also had marks that no makeup would be able to conceal.

"Love bites?" I asked myself, puzzled. "I don't remember having these last night. But I might be wrong, since I didn't seem able to count to ten at some point last night." I shrugged and took a long shower.


I'm sure I slept in my room last night, but I woke up in Xander's arms and in his bed. My pyjamas are on the floor, and I'm wearing only Xander's shirt. Even my panties are also on the floor. We had sex again last night, but I strom out of his room with the little strength left in me after that.

But strange things keep happening because I wake up in Xander's arms the next day. I take a steady breath and confront the only alien responsible for this.

"There's no way I can walk in my sleep, and I know you already woke up."

Xander opens his green eyes. "I carried you."

"Why? We already have an agreement," I say, frustrated. Sex only happens when both of us still keep each other at arm's length, not tangled in sheets until the sun comes out.

"I sleep better with you."

I don't know what I expect from this alien, but I'm a little bit bummed. I massage my nose bridge while he continues speaking.

"Besides, it's easier if you stay here. We can have sex not only at night."

"Nice idea, but no. I want my limbs in prime condition for the rest of the day."

Xander chuckled darkly, sending alarm to my nether parts, "You are the one that is moving vigorously above me three nights in a row."

"Let's keep it strictly at night. I need my legs to be able to walk around."

"Sleep here with me. Every night."

"You want sex every night?" I can't keep the horror to myself. Not that I don't like it, I seem to enjoy it more nowadays, but everyday is a bit too much for me. Like I said, I need every part of my body.

"If you want to, I don't mind at all."

"Sure you don't." I snarkily replied to him. I earned another chuckle from Xander but he got serious after that.

"Sleep here with me. Whether we have sex or not."

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