f o u r

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I'm floating.

Did I die? Will I go to heaven or hell? Judging by the blackness, I'm going to hell.

No, I'm not floating. I'm being carried. I'm being shifted. My body is being shifted.

Or maybe I died because my body doesn't work on my commands. My brain tells my hands, "rise!" but they won't. My brain tells my eyes, "open!" but they won't.

I try to open my eyes so hard but they stick to each other as if someone glued them shut.

Plus, my brain won't shut up.

'Did you ever think that your best friend would also put poison to your mother's dinner just to see you suffer?'

'Your stupid father killed my parents! I became an orphan! Because of your family! You destroyed my life!'

'And you're mother, she doesn't deserve to live anyway. She's a fucking whore!'

'Do you know something, Eraya? I love you. More than anything. I am ready to make endless sacrifices for you. You are not like them. You are an angel. Your smile is enough to light up my entire day.'

My eyes maybe glued shut, but I feel hot tears dripping down my cheeks.



I gasp. The room stenches of blood. My blood.

I can't breathe. Air. I need air.

Where am I? I try standing up but I trip back down. A sharp pain shoots through my body and I yelp.

I look around but I really can't see anything. Despite of the pitch black dark, it seems like my whole world is spinning. The pain rises once again and I scream.

I really need to get out of here. I try to grab something for support but it seems like my hands can't be bought up. Did they cut off my hands too? But then I realize that my hands are tied back into a tight knot.

The pain keeps growing and growing making my vision blurrier. My head sways back and forth dizzily making it hard to keep my eyes open for any longer.

Every memory starts replaying again. Bastards. You fucking bastards. You fucking betrayed me you motherfucker. Was I not good enough for you? How was she better than me? How did you convince your heart to do such an inhuman thing? Tell me. Tell me.

You messed with the wrong woman. I will find you no matter how far you are. I won't let you be happy. Not with her.

I won't let you survive.


My mind is on once again because I'm hearing things. Voices. Muffled voices. Male. Female. Angels? I think I'm going insane.

Strong hands carry me. No! Don't take me anywhere!

My vision is still dark. I want to swing my arms and punch whoever that is carrying me but my body won't work how I want it to.

Instead, I allow myself to doze off again.

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