f o u r t e e n

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The unknown girl suddenly kneels down and bows.

"Good to see you again, Princess Eraya."

My eyes widen. Me and Rune share shocked glances. "Who are you?" I query, sounding authoritative.

She stands up and slowly removes her scarf revealing the brown freckles dancing on top of her nose. I stare in curiosity as she does. When she removes her scarf, I'm in absolute shock. I blur out "Bella-?"

She gives me a smile like she's happy to finally see me, her eyes almost about to tear up. She stutters "God- I- Princess-" and raises her hands wanting to hug me. I let her and she hugs me tight. Her voice cracks "I knew it."

I ask as we pull back from each other "You knew what?"

"That you're still alive. I ran away from the palace because I believed that you're still alive and I needed to find you. Then I saw the crown princess of Onryx running with a boy from chasing guards." She giggles at the last part.

I look up at Rune and we snicker. I turn back to Bella as I gesture to Rune. "Meet the boy that was running with me. Rune." He lifts a hand for a little wave and she smiles bowing her head.

She continues "Princess Vanya was the one that helped me escape. She believes that you're still alive because we knew that you're not a person that would not give up life no matter how much trouble life brought you"

Vanya...Gosh I miss her. I sigh "How is Vanya and father?"

Her eyes suddenly fills up with sadness. "They mourn for you every day. Especially, King Baratheo since he believes he lost you."

"I miss them so much, Bella." I yearn.

She exhales. "What actually happened, princess?"

"Daliah and Desmond..." I bit the inside of my cheek and my heart clenches at the thought of them but I push those thoughts away. "Apparently, they had been in love since a while and they attempted to kill me that night."

She staggers back with her mouth covered by her hands, her eyes bulging. "What...?"

I carry on "They probably thought I died because they shifted my body into Vividale where my friends," I gesture to Rune and he smiles reassuringly. "Found me. They treated me and offered me to join me in my journey."

"So...everything they said was a big lie?"


She stares at me shocked for a split second and asks "And 'journey'?"

"Er, yeah. I'm going back to Onryx." I shrug. "To... get back what's mine."

She nods thoughtfully. "Princess-"

I cut her off. "Address me as Kora Fox. To keep my identity a secret."

She stares at me for a second and then finally she nods. "Can I...join you? I want to help..."

I stare at her and say surprised. "Of course...why not?" then I flash her a smile.

"I don't have a place to stay, that's an issue..." I hear her mumble with her gaze fixed on the ground.

"You can stay with us." Then I look at Rune and he says "Yeah, why not?"

She looks up surprised. "Really?! Oh, thank you!"

I smile and then when we're about to carefully stumble out without getting caught by the guards once again, I grab Bella's hand. Before I speak, I share a glance with Rune.

"Can you do us one small favor?"


"Here's the bread you asked for." Bella smiles as she hands me a bag of bread.

"Thank you so much." Me and Rune say remembering our incident when we tried to borrow some bread earlier.

"It's my duty." She bows.

Then we head back where we find Azura sitting on the same spot with a cigarette lit between her long fingers. She makes rings with the smoke and the smell lingers on my nostrils as we make our way in. Azul sits with his arms wrapped around his knees and his head down.

She looks up furious and tosses the cigarette aside when we step in. "Gosh! What took you so lo-!?" she stops mid-sentence when she notices Bella behind me. She flicks a finger back and forth on Bella with an eyebrow raised "Who's this?"

"Uh..." Bella mumbles timidly and I reply for her. "This is Bella. She was a maid back in the palace and we are close. She came all the way from Onryx to search for me. She offered to help us and I let her stay..."

Azura scoffs "And you trust her?"

"Azura!" I spit back and she shrugs defensively breaking eye contact.

"She seems hard to please." Bella whispers to me, turning my attention back to Bella.

"Don't worry. She will be nicer later on, trust me. I know on this one." I whisper back remembering the way Azura was mean to me at the beginning. Then I clear my throat. I gesture to Azul. "So Bella, you already met Rune and Azura. Meet Azul; her twin brother."

When I say his name, that's when he looks up. When his eyes meet Bella's, his tired sleepy gaze softens and his cheeks slightly redden. So does Bella's. I nudge Bella on the arm and smirk playfully. She giggles and I see the corner of Azul's mouth turning up into a shy smile. His eyes shine and it surprises me to see him like that for the first time.

When Azura notices, she chortles and looks at Bella. She slaps her brother's hand playfully. Then we all sit down next to them and munch on our food.

Rune tells everything that happened and Azura bursts out laughing "I knew it! I knew all of it! That's why they tell to always tell listen to the adults!" Me and Rune share annoyed glances and we groan.

I expect Azul and Bella to react too but then I notice that they're too busy sharing glances and smiles. It's adorable.

"When we gonna head to Ivygate?" Rune asks as he wipes the bread crumbs off his hands.

"It'll be better if we head now, you know." I point out as I take a quick look out through a crack of the broken window.

"Yeah, true. So then let's get going?" Azura suggests flatly standing up and we do too.

We reach our horses and I gently stroke Hades's back. "Hey buddy." Hades leans into my touch making me smile.

I get on and notice that Bella is already sitting behind Azul on his horse. She chats while he listens attentively. I can't help but smile. I never expected Azul like this. I always imagined him as a person who's only interested in practical things and definitely not love.

We hasten our way out of Zenithara and avoid guards at all costs for you know, valid reasons. The hours have passed and the high skies have turned pink when we reach our destination.

"Welcome to Ivygate; the city of life!"

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