I fall into a coma, obviously

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The first thing she became aware of was listlessly drifting between the realms of dream and reality. She was floating, swaying closer and closer to the edge of full consciousness. It quickly became clear that she was in the process of waking up so, naturally, she assumed that she was in bed. Yet, something seemed off. There was a faint sense of disorientation as she crawled her way to awareness of being. 

Questions sluggishly started to pop into her mind. How did she even get into bed? How had her day ended? When did she get home? This prompted her mind to race through the events of the day. She had been out the house with her mother and elder sister when she began to feel slightly queasy.

The feeling worsened as sweat started to form on her brow and she found herself struggling to focus on anything other than this sick feeling. Finally, alarm bells went off in her head when she became lightheaded, so she turned to her mom to alert her of her weak state when - 

Of course. She had fainted, hadn't she? 

By the time she came to this realisation, consciousness had returned to her fully and she became aware of the sounds all around her. Strangely enough, there was none of the usual calls of her name that she had become accustomed to hearing when she regained consciousness after fainting. 

Her brows furrowed as she shifted slightly, confusion now at the forefront of her mind. She could hear voices surrounding her but she couldn't make out what they were saying. Her hearing zoned in on one particular voice, though, as the words that they were saying finally became clear.

"Miss, are you ok? Can you hear me?"

The voice sounded slightly familiar but she couldn't possibly understand why that was. At the time, she had been too disoriented to pick up on the accent that accompanied the words. But, in that moment, all that came to mind was wondering why this strange voice called out to her instead of her mom?

That's when she realised that someone was gently shaking her shoulder, which lead her to become aware of the rest of her body. She was in a sitting position, but it didn't feel like she was propped up against a wall. In fact, it actually felt like she was sitting in a chair. However, her head was leaning off to the side, resting against something unknown. Though, whatever she was resting on was firm yet the material on it was comforting, almost like some type of soft fabric. 

She took in a sharp intake of breath when the gentle shaking became a tad more insistent and the same voice called out to her again, but louder this time. The voice said something else that she couldn't understand but she guessed it wasn't directed at her since a voice from the side she was resting her head on answered. She could just make out other voices in the background muttering to each other. 

The strength to move around, at last, had found her and she willed herself to open her eyes. She rubbed her cheek against the unknown surface as she hummed and cracked open her eyes. The hand at her shoulder retracted as she did. 

She'd like to say that the first coherent thought that popped into her head that day when she took in her surroundings was something more eloquent. But when had anything ever gone her way? Instead, her first thought was something more along the lines of -

What the fuck?

Because there was no way that she wasn't still unconscious, not when she had just come face-to-face with

"Jeon Jungkook?"

Well, technically she couldn't see his entire face since their faces were in close proximity. The only thing she could see clearly were his deep brown eyes, but she could recognise those eyes anywhe- 

When had she become this pathetic? It was a little sad that she was able to recognise a K-Pop idol just from looking at their eyes alone. She really needed to touch some grass. But, that wasn't what was important in that moment. 

How the hell had she ended up with her head resting on Jeon Jungkook's shoulder? 


It was the same voice from before but that wasn't Jungkook talking. She turned her bleary gaze towards the source of the voice, and found Kim Namjoon crouching in front of her. Bewildered and, quite frankly, still feeling weak, she couldn't help but wonder if she had a concussion and was currently hallucinating. 

"Are you alright? Do you think you can move?" Namjoon asked. 

Before, she had silently acknowledged that her head was resting on Jungkook's shoulder but it suddenly hit her that she was resting on the Jeon Jungkook's shoulder; a member of BTS, a global popstar. She shot off his shoulder and sat ramrod straight, apologising to him as she did, but instantly regretted the movement as a wave of nausea hit her. There was a lot of noise all around her which didn't help as it only served to make her feel even more overwhelmed than she already was. 

She tipped forward, placing her head in-between her knees. Someone started rubbing her back when she groaned. Namjoon and Jungkook exchanged a few words in Korean with somebody else, and before she knew it Namjoon was coaxing her to sit back up. After a moment of hesitation, she sat up gingerly, only to come face-to-face with a glass of water. 

"Water," Jungkook said as he pointed at the glass, which caused her to turn her head towards him. This was when she realised that he was the one rubbing soothing circles into her back. He brought the hand he had just pointed with up to his lips and mimed drinking from a glass. "Drink some water." 

She thinned her lips as she nodded then turned back to Namjoon to take the glass; muttering her thanks. As she brought the glass up to her lips, her mother's words came back to her about how gulping the water down would only serve to make her feel more sick so she took a few careful sips. 

"Better?" Jungkook asked, watching her with imploring eyes.

She only offered him a weak smile. Well, she hoped it was a smile but it was more likely that she just grimaced at him judging by the concerned look he was giving her. In truth, her stomach was still turning and she was sweating buckets.

What she needed right now was something to eat in order to pick up her energy. She struggled to voice this need in that moment, though. They were both being so kind to her so asking more of them just made her feel bad.

"What's your name?" Namjoon asked.

She muttered her name and he repeated it back to her to make sure he was saying it correctly. She nodded before taking another sip of water. Yet, she paused mid-sip as a thought suddenly occurred to her.

How were Namjoon and Jungkook here together? The last she remembered, they had both just recently joined the military, as did the rest of the members. So how could they be here?

And where even was here?

She tried to pull herself together because what she needed right then was (food and medical attention) answers. There were so many questions bouncing around in her mind that she wasn't sure where to start.

However, before she could open her mouth, Kim Taehyung patted Jungkook on the shoulder and next to him was Park Jimin.

Again. What the fuck?

The only question that came to her mind then was

"What year is it?"

"Sorry?" Namjoon asked, perplexed.

They were all staring at her like she was insane. Honestly, she felt like she was going out of her mind but how else could you explain all of them being there together. Maybe she had fallen into a coma and this was a dream.

"What year is it?" she repeated, desperately.

Namjoon shared a look with the other three men before he turned back to her and hesitantly answered.


A/n and so it begins... The biggest mistake of my life.
OK, dramatics aside, let me know what you guys think :)

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