Crazy? I Was Crazy Once

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The doctor was a short, old man who wore thick-rimmed glasses. He had more of a receding hairline than he did hair, but he had laugh lines around his mouth and kind eyes. They must've requested for someone who could speak English because his was near perfect. Though, his heavy accent combined with her frazzled mind made it difficult to understand some of the things he tried to say but he was patient with her. He spoke in a gentle tone which seemed to calm her down a bit. 

After going back and forth for a while about how neither she nor Namjoon knew how she got into the room, let alone ended up passed out on Jungkook's shoulder, they decided to drop the topic because they were only confusing each other. Their conversation consisted mainly of asking the question 'What do you mean you don't know how you/I got here' anyway.

Conversation quickly became exhausting when you were talking in circles, but from what she could gather no one seemed to know how she got in the room. One moment Jungkook was sitting on the couch by himself, then the next she materialised out of nowhere, unconscious, scaring all the people in the room half to death. 

The doctor called her name, effectively breaking her out of her thoughts.

"So, you say that it's 2023, correct?" Doctor Baek confirmed. "Can you tell me what the last thing you remember is?" 

"I went out the house with my mom and sister," she began. "We were going to the movies, but while we were waiting in line to get snacks, it started feeling really stuffy. Then I felt lightheaded, so I turned to my mom. Next thing I knew I'm waking up surrounded by BTS." 

Saying everything out loud only served to increase her bewilderment. She wouldn't blame Doctor Baek for thinking she was loony; she felt like she had gone insane herself. As it was, he was observing her with a polite smile that barely masked the disbelief on his face. How can someone be waiting in line for snacks and then suddenly end up in an entirely different year? 

This couldn't be real. Any moment now she would wake up and laugh about what a weird but vivid - painfully vivid - dream she had. Fuck, if she wasn't unconscious right now, then she was in desperate need of a nap.

She was already sitting on a bed, she could just lie down here and sleep. Namjoon had explained that they had done filming on the rooftop of this building so they offered them this apartment to stream the 63rd Grammy Award Show. So, they decided to use the bedroom for the doctor to examine her to provide her with a bit of privacy.

She was wary about this decision at first. After all, she would be left alone in the room with a strange man, but Namjoon had promised to wait right outside the door. Perhaps he had sensed her hesitancy and that's why he offered to do that.

"Okay, well all your vitals seem normal. Your blood pressure and sugar are fine. Though, I would recommend eating something more than an energy bar."

"Thank you, Doctor, and I will."

"I'm not quite done with you, yet," he laughed. "Now regarding what you've told me about your past fainting spells, it sounds like there may be a possibility that you've developed an ovarian cist again."

He paused for a moment. Perhaps, to let what he said sink in. Truthfully, it was a thought that had formed in her head while she was waiting for the doctor to come; especially since a dull ache had started up on her left side near her lower stomach.

"Are you experiencing any pain?" Doctor Baek asked.

She nodded, placing her hand on the spot that was hurting.

He pursed his lips, "I would consider seeking out a gynaecologist - once everything has settled of course."

She nodded again.

"Why don't you get some rest?" he suggested, giving her a sympathetic look.

"Thank you again, Doctor," she said.

It suddenly struck her that in Korea, people usually bowed as a sign of respect. So, she stood and did just that. He seemed surprised by her actions but he then gave her a warm smile and bowed back before saying goodbye.

She plopped back down on the bed, staring at the door the doctor had just exited through. For the first time in what felt like hours - had it been hours? - she was completely alone. What was she supposed to do now?

Doctor Baek did say that she should get some rest. She turned back to observe the white linen, freshly-pressed bed. Actually, she did usually have to rest in bed after she fainted in the past. So, maybe it would do her some good to try and sleep.

She shuffled back and laid down, fixing the pillows the way she liked. She stared at the ceiling as she waited for the exhaustion to hit her. When nothing happened she shuffled onto her side and got comfortable.

She closed her eyes and...

Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

A sigh left her mouth as she flopped onto her back and stared at the ceiling once more. When you travel through space and time, sleep doesn't exactly come easy to you. Especially, when you feel like you're having a psychotic break.

Maybe she should eat something first, then she could try to sleep.

You know that cliché scene where the protagonist accidently hears something they weren't supposed to? Well, she felt like one of those protagonists - except she couldn't understand a word they were saying. She had cracked the door open but had ceased all movement when she heard a few voices behind the door.

It just sounded like a very serious conversation that she wasn't supposed to hear. Logically, she knew Doctor Baek was just briefing BTS and their staff on her condition, but there was something about his tone of voice that didn't sit right with her.

She assumed someone had just asked a question judging by the lilt in their voice. By some miracle, Doctor Baek answered in English.

"No, she's completely lucid. It's just that she thinks it's 2023... It could possibly be a trauma response."

Even if they had continued the conversation in English, she wouldn't have known. His words had sent her thoughts into overdrive. She had never considered that.

A trauma response... But what kind of trauma response makes someone create two years worth of false memories? 

She supposed it could be a possibility. She could have experienced something that was so traumatic that she repressed the memory and deluded herself into thinking she had lead a normal life for the past two years. If that were true she had so many questions.

What was she actually doing while she was busy being delusional? Where were her family? Why would they leave her by herself in this condition? How had she even ended up in South Korea?

Except, it didn't make much sense to her. The chances of her memories being a trauma response were low. She knew that she couldn't have made up all those memories. She knew that the experiences she had were real.

The mind was a very powerful thing, though. What you believe to be true may not be reality. Who's to say that any of what she went through was real.

All the thoughts swirling around in her head were just making her mind foggy and her head heavy. She decided that she could eat later.

The exhaustion had finally caught up to her.

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