Say Psyche Right Now

33 4 17

A/n tw: hyperventilating, mentions of vomit
Idk if I should put a warning for this chapter but I did anyway. Lemme know if I missed something :)

Between the ages of about 13-14 and 15-16 years old, she had been prone to fainting spells. When it first started happening she did all the necessary tests to find out why, but when she started feeling a pain at her side her mother had the sense to book an appointment at the gynaecologist.

It's important to note that she would faint about one or two days before, or even the day of the start of her menstrual cycle. So, when she visited the gynae, it was discovered that she had a cist. She was given medication and when she went for her follow up appointment a couple of months later, it was gone. Her fainting spells stopped after that.

About four years later, and she found herself fainting again, and somehow it lead her to wake up surrounded by BTS. It sounded like the beginning of a badly written Wattpad story.

The moment Namjoon had told her that the year was 2021, she felt a wave of dizziness hit her and she prayed that she wouldn't faint again. Or maybe she should faint, then when she woke up again, her mother and her sister would be at her side.

There was chatter going on in the background but she didn't even care about taking in her surroundings. All she could do was stare dumbly at Namjoon.

"You're joking, right?" she asked.

"It's normal to feel confused right now," Namjoon replied.

"No," she said, shaking her head. "No, the last time I checked, it was 2023."

He frowned as he shared a quick glance with the men next to her before he focused his gaze on her again.

"Um ok?"

None of this was making sense. She remembered the date was 14 December 2023. How could it be 2021? Why were members of BTS surrounding her when they were supposed to be in the military? The biggest mystery was how the hell she was even there.

"I'm being serious. It's 2023," she insisted.

She looked around at the four men, hoping to see someone who agreed with her. Instead, they all watched her like a caged animal; somebody who they were very concerned about and had to be handled with caution.

"No, I'm pretty sure that it's 2021," Namjoon said.

She turned again to the men at her side and watched as they nodded.

"It's 2021," Jimin confirmed.

She turned back to Namjoon.

"Then, what's the exact date?"

"15 March 2021."

Breathing became a lot more difficult. It didn't help that she still felt dizzy. She squeezed the glass in her hand, using it to ground herself. She ran his words over in her mind. There was just no way.

How could she possibly travel back in time, and why did it have to be that specific date? She closed her eyes as she frowned, trying to sort out the thoughts in her mind.

"This doesn't make any sense," she muttered.

Jungkook said something but she couldn't understand what he was saying.

Then he said, "Hey, breathe."

She didn't even realise that she was hyperventilating until he said that. He rubbed her back again which only made her feel worse. A wave of nausea hit into her at full force and her eyes shot open as she clamped a hand over her mouth.

The men surrounding her became frantic, talking to each other with clear panic in their tone. Jungkook took the glass of water from her hand as Namjoon asked her if she was okay. She shook her head as she waved her free hand in front of Jungkook, signalling him to stop rubbing her back.

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