Chapter 25

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Life is strange right? Nothing really last forever and l've learnt that the hard way

2 years ago l thought that l had finally got my happy ever after but l was just lying to myself, in these two years l've seen my brother struggle to put food on the table and also manage school

And me l haven't said a word in a year because of my selfish mother and her male friends and because of that l can my brother's smile never reaches his face

We haven't seen our father and brothers in 2 years because our mother told us that if we tell him where we are our brothers will bear the brunt so when we moved to from Italy we couldn't see or speak to him again

I remember how much our brothers and cousins cried when we left but there was nothing they could do about it

I never blamed our father for making that choice because he didn't know that we were going to be in a situation like this

"How was school today" Alex asked as he joined me in bed and l put my diary away and shrugging

"I miss your voice Bella" my brother crooked out and a tear fell from my eyes

Alex has been providing me and mom with food and electricity since all mom does is get drunk and do drugs

It hasn't been easy for him since he goes to school and works at the same time and am also putting him in pain but my selective mutism l wish l could talk but l just can't

I looked at my brother sympathetically and he wiped my tears and hugged me

"I wish l could make it better Bella but am failing as a brother and l promised dad that l would always protect you "he said and l cried

"I love you Alex , you're my superhero" l wrote in my diary and he gave me a half smile

Alex has always blamed himself for not protecting me that traumatic night l lost my voice but there was nothing he could have done

Mom did try to take care of us the first year we got to the US but she got caught up in the wrong crowd

"Do you think we'll see them again" l didn't need to tell him who because he knew

"I am not sure baby but l'll always be here " he said giving me reassuring smile but l knew it was fake

"I know you miss the Alex but l'll always be here too" l said and returned his fake smile

Alex and l had the left over food they gave him at the restaurant he works at for dinner while we watched a movie on his phone and we fell asleep cuddling together

I miss you daddy

Matteo's Pov

I stared at the sky on the balcony to try and clear my head

I made a mistake 2 years ago and it cost me my youngest son and my only daughter

I really thought Selena was going to let me see them and visit them like she promised but she betrayed me and took my children away and l have no idea how they are or where they are

"Dinners ready" a voice from behind me said and l silently went to the living room

A lot has changed in 2 years

Elonzo buries himself with work and l hadly see him at home

Leonardo is self destructive and he listens to no one

Leone hadly talks to anyone except when it's an emergency

I miss my children and l know all this is my fault

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