Chapter 36

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Rosabella's Pov
"Alex used to go to school and also work at a restaurant in order to keep the electricity and water going, and so that we'd have food and other necessities
He didn't complain but he was struggling a lot and he was tired most of the day so l didn't want to be a burden on my brother that's why l didn't wake him up that night
I don't usually wake up at night but that night was different l was thirsty and l didn't hear any noise so l figured no one was awake so l left my room
I found mom with three guys in the sitting room and they looked like junkies so l wanted to run straight to my room when l noticed them but l was already too late as they had noticed me as well
The started laughing sinisterly and l was terrified especially when they started coming closer to me and taunting mom saying that she kept a beautiful young daughter from them
I noticed mom was also getting afraid of them as she told me to run back to my room but it was too late as one of grabbed me and the other 2 grabbed mom
They raped my mother in front of me repeatedly and they made me watch and the started touching me but luckily Alex heard the commotion and came downstairs before they could do anything else
Alex couldn't take all of them at once so that they ganged up on his and beat him until he was unconscious and mom was already unconscious after what they put her through
I had already submitted to my fate when they all turned their attention to me and l thought this was it but luckily Alex had called the police before he came out of the room
Everything that happened that night took a toll on me and l have never been able to get it out of my mind till date
I have already lost most of my childhood and they almost took my innocence " when l finished talking l noticed that everyone was quite at looking at me with different emotions
Elonzo looked emotionless but his eyes were glassy
Leonardo looked angry and his hands were formed into fists
Leone looked at me sympathetically
Alex looked at me guilty because he has always blamed himself for not waking up soon enough but l've never blamed him
Elena looked at me with sympathy as well
Dad looked plain heartbroken and guilty
"I did this" dad said as he lost balance of his body and my brothers ran to hold him
"You should relax you're not looking well dad" Elonzo said and he looked worried as they helped dad sit on the sofa
"I couldn't protect my children l couldn't do anything when they needed me the most" dad said and he stood up but before he could walk he fainted but thankfully my brothers caught him before he hit the floor

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