Chapter 45

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Elena's family and l are pretty cordial with each other but l've always made it a point to keep them as far from my kids as possible.
"This is a surprise " l said looking at Dan and
"My daughter calls me crying,so yeah am gonna spring you a surprise visit " Dan said cocking hie eyebrows at me.
"Well l expected no less" l said turning to my children.
"Go to your rooms" l said to them sternly but Elonzo didn't seem convinced and l could tell he wanted to stay.
"l can handle this" l said reassuring him.
Rosa kissed my cheeks before she left and that was all l needed.
"How dare you" Boston said in anger but l wasn't in the mood for his tantrums.
"Careful brother-in-law, am not sure l like you enough to take your insults "l said taunting him.
"l won't let you kill my grandchild and only heir Matteo" Dan said moving closer to me in an attempt to intimidate me but he didn't scare me.
"l actually don't need your permission, considering that your daughter illegally 'stole' my sperm and then found a surrogate. All that without my permission "l said moving closer to him until we were almost face to face. "So yeah l can do whatever the fuck l want."
"Man you know how desperate she was" Boston said and l stared at him in bewilderment. l guess crazy runs in this family.
Honestly l wasn't really surprised when l found out Elena's version of being pregnant because l sure as hell know how to choose them. l don't really think she thought this through though because as soon as l was alone l called the doctor to find out how it was possible for Elena to have kids.
"If she was desperate enough to do something this crazy then am sorry but l think she wouldn't even be a fit mother "l said sitting down but these two seemed to be on a mission to irritate me.
"And l guess you're perfect right?" Boston taunted me and l smirked.
"l don't lie about who or what l am unlike your sister, l own up to my dark side. With me ,what you see is what you get and l hate hypocrites."
"l don't care about whatever you're saying Matteo, my grandchild will be born or they'll be war" Dan threatened.
"l don't take kindly to being threatened " l said.
"l had warned you Matteo, my daughter is my whole world"
"Mine as well" l said.
"Then l guess we should ensure they're safety " Boston added and had his neck in my hands in seconds.
"Never ever threaten my daughter because l will kill you irregardless of who is here."
"Let him be Matteo" Dan said but l was on the verge of snapping his neck for this.
"Get out " l said motioning them to the door.
"You just declared war Matteo and l hope it doesn't hit closer to your heart" Dan said pulling his son out.

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